problem about rap-and-hip-hop-Collection of common programming errors

  • Muh-ree-uh
    So, I was watching MTV2 the other day, and there was a music video with Nelly, and two other rappers. Anyways, the music video was set in a place that looked like a Mansion in the Carribean, and the only lyrics I remember distinctly was “polynesian princess”. The information on the video was blank. The artist names werent put up, the song, and album name were put as “undefined”. Does anybody know where I can find and listen to this song and music video?Please and thank you~!

  • Leggo my Eggo Cus I Say So Dope
    unknown means that if you were to ask a bunch of todays kids about him/her, they would respond with “who?”I say Scarface…………….

  • StarlightLynx
    So Like an idiot, I was walking down the stairs with my blanket in one hand and my ipod in the other. As I was walking down the stairs I was thinking.. “hey why not slide my Ipod touch into my jean pocket”. Of Course At this point It does not sound like a dumb Idea but I should have considered the fact that the pockets of those jeans were not even big enough to hold a penny before I went forward with that option.But nooo me wanting to be a smarty pants know it all thought “everyth

  • Infinitely -iLLat-it
    What rap name do you like best?(repeated question)?i just thought of a few of these nowUnknown Error(or on their own)Panick-ESadisticD3MONNo N?meiLLAPROACHill-approachi think the persona No N?me would stand out and create a mysterfying(probably spelt wrong) effect, dont you?i also like panick-e and illapproachbut just wondering what you might like or if u have any suggestions?feel free to transform and tweek any of these names into something suitable for yourself but please dont just copy.!

    I plug in my ipod to sync and my ipod attempts to sync with itunes, but then I get an error message that say “ipod cannot sync with itunes. Unknown error has occurred (-48)”.Ive reset my ipod over 12 times and still no success.Ive downloaded the latest version of itunes and still no success.My computer is fully up to date with EVERYTHING and still no success.My ipod battery is fully charged.I have tried everything and still nothing is successful. I ask for your help PLEASE!!!!11 minute

Originally posted 2013-12-08 14:00:01.