problem about python-idle-Collection of common programming errors

  • VirtualBlackFox
    android handler monodroid python-idle looper
    I’m using MonoDroid Looper.MyQueue().AddIdleHandler() to execute some Commands when the app is in idle mode. This is working in one activity, but if I’m starting the second activity it hangs until i touch the screen or restart the first activity. Theres no loop or anything which could block the queue in the second activity. How can i prevent the looper from hanging?Looper.MyQueue().AddIdleHandler(new ExecuteRunner(appState)); public class ExecuteRunner : Java.Lang.Object, MessageQueue.IIdleHandl

  • Quintessence
    python python-3.x crash python-idle
    I’m working on a small game and, in the interest of full disclosure, I’ve learned some other languages before but this is only my second day learning Python.What I was trying to do was simple enough: I was trying to generate a random integer between two integer values (e.g. random(a,b)). I looked around to see if there was an existing function that I could use, and I found information about a function called “randint”. So I added a line of code to my program that looked something like:value = ra

  • Ahlden
    python cmd scheduler python-idle
    I have a script that works in IDLE but not when I run the same script in cmd. Then I get this error:File “C:\Python27\lib\encodings\”, line 12, in encode return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map) UnicodeEncodeError: ‘charmap’ codec can’t encode character u’\u2013′ in position 17: character maps to <undefined>The error occurs when I try to print a string that contains the following part ” – “. When the script is run in IDLE everything works perfectly. I use Python 2.7

  • Tim
    module pydev bytecode python-idle
    I want to switch my python-IDE from idle to pydev (eclipse). I am using a couple of modules which I have as compiled bytecode (*.pyc) only. In idle that was never a problem and it even offers code completion for those compiled modules. But pydev gives me a lot of “undefined variable” errors – however the code is interpreted correctly. Is there a way pydev can handle bytecode modules the way idle does? Perhaps without decompiling the files?

  • Stedy
    python django python-idle
    when i input from django.db import models into IDLE,the result throw a exception named Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined. why does this exception occur and how i can fix it

  • Sean Adkinson
    sql-server jdbc c3p0 python-idle jtds
    Thanks in advance for any help!Here is the environment:Java 5 Web application running in Tomcat 6.0.18 on Windows (not sure the version) Database: SQL Server 2008 R2 JDBC Driver: jTDS 1.2.5 Connection pool provider: C3P0 am trying to debug a problem that a client is having. Basically every couple weeks, our web application locks up on their server, and they can’t access it. A restart fixes the issue. Further investigation shows that the reason everything is locked up is that everythi

Originally posted 2013-11-26 18:05:30.