problem about pst-node-Record and share programming errors

  • PGFTricks
    pstricks pst-node
    Please carefully consider the following diagram. What makes the \psframebox nodes gradually move down?\documentclass[preview,border=15pt

  • Herbert
    pstricks pst-node
    Can somebody help me to generate two overlapping boxes in a psmatrix? What I need is an ncbox from {3,3} to {8,8} and one from {3,3} to {3,8}. I know it’s possible to draw them in a separate figure, but I can’t manage to put them in the same psmatrix. \documentclass[12pt,oneside,english]{book} \usepac

  • egreg
    pstricks latex3 expl3 pst-node l3prop
    I’m creating rather complicated diagram and would like to put all the controls all in one easy to find location and not scattered throughout the document. To do this, I’ve created setter and getter functions for a LaTeX3 property list. Here’s the code:\documentclass{article} \usepackage{pstricks,pst-node} \usepackage{xparse} \ExplSyntaxOn \prop_new:N \g__sunset_plist \NewDocumentCommand{\setattr}{ mm }{\prop_gput:Nnn \g__sunset_plist {#1} {#2}}

Originally posted 2013-09-26 03:15:34.