problem about prototypal-inheritance-Record and share programming errors
javascript prototypal-inheritance
I have created two objects:Mammal CatCat extends Mammal. Both objects have constructor which takes one parameter called config. I am trying to overwrite Mammals constructor in Cat’s co
Spencer Carnage
javascript requirejs prototypal-inheritance
I’m running into an issue with using RequireJS and Prototypal inheritance. Here’s my module:define(function () {function Module(data) { = data;}Module.prototype.getData = function () {return;
javascript prototypal-inheritance module-pattern
I’m trying to get a grip on “OOP” JavaScript techniques, and I began writing a small test application today. Basically, it’s a game loop and on each update coordinates are to be increased so that an HTML element moves.The problem is I want to be able to run more than one instance of the app, and the
prototypal-inheritance coffeescript
I’m trying to figure out how inheritance works in coffeescript. Here’s a simplified example of my code:class Parentconstructor: (attrs) ->for own name,value of attrsthis[name] = valueParent.from_json_array = (json, callback) ->for item in JSO
javascript oop inheritance prototypal-inheritance
My understanding is that “hasOwnProperty” returns true if the object has a given member without check the prototype chain. But when I inherit fro other object, I see all members in the last object itself.Consider the following example:var Object1 = function (param) {this.prop1 = “p1 ” + param;this.prop2 = “p2 ” + param; };var Object2 = function (param) {Object1.apply(this, arguments);
Lyn Headley
Alex G.P.
javascript prototypal-inheritance
I am new in JS programming and trying to understand prototype-based inheritance. below is my test code and I have a question about line method ‘parseParameters’.As I know, when I am instantiating class Point and wring following:var p = new Point ({x: 1, y
javascript oop prototypal-inheritance
I was playing with JavaScript class inheritance (I am using node.js). I get “undefined” values for instances of the child class. Here my example:I define a Squirrel class and I want to specialize this class in a KillerSquirrel child class. I want create instances of both the Squirrel and the KillerSquirrel classes. function Squirrel(name, color) { = name;this.color = color;console.log(“A new ” + this.color + ” squirrel named ” + + ” is born!!!”);};// add a new m
Dan Lee
javascript oop prototypal-inheritance
I’m trying to get my head around JS inheritance using the “Pseudo-classical inheritance” style. I’ve done many Google searches and have read the classic articles. I’m familiar with Java’s class structure and am trying to understand JS’s prototypal style. I’m looking for vanilla JS since I want to understand the basics first.I have a simple parent/child test class setup and need some help with the scoping rules.1.) When do I define methods in the class vs outside of the class?2.) How do I acc
javascript dom closures prototypal-inheritance
I need some clarification with javascript call’s metadata. Provided code below has SenderAsParameterFunc and NoExplicitParametersFunc which are being called from AnotherFunction’s each loops.var Obj = function(){Obj.SenderAsParameterFunc = function(sender, param1, param2){ // log $(sender).id; }Obj.NoExplicitParametersFunc = function(){// EXTRACT DEFAULT SENDER/CALLEE// I see in console Obj.NoExplicitParametersFunc.caller.arguments >> SEE REF1 }Obj.NoExplicitParametersFuncWithExtraArgs = function(this, par1, par2){// ‘this’ from each loop? }Obj.AnotherFunc = function(){var
javascript prototypal-inheritance
Consider the following Javascript snippet,var SuperClass = function(x){this.x = x;this.a = 5; };var SubClass = function(x){ }function IntermediateClass(
javascript inheritance performance prototypal-inheritance
In Douglas Crockford’s JavaScript: The Good Parts he recommends that we use functional inheritance. Here’s an example:var mammal = function(spec, my) {var that = {};my = my || {};// Protectedmy.clearThroat = function() { return “Ahem”;};that.getName = function() {return s
Alex K
javascript inheritance prototypal-inheritance
I am currently trying to figure out exactly how the prototypical inheritance works in JavaScript. Here is the mystery I currently trying to solve.Suppose we set up the following structure:var base = { greet : “hello” }var child = function () {}child.prototype = ba
javascript inheritance prototype prototypal-inheritance
I’been doing some inheritance in js in order to understand it better, and I found something that confuses me.I know that when you call an ‘constructor function’ with the new keyword, you get a new object with a reference to that function’s prototype.I also know that in order to make prototypal inheritance you must replace the prototype of the constructor functio
javascript prototypal-inheritance
I was playing around with javascript prototype chain inheritance and i came accross this funny behaviour. I have a parent class and a child class//class parent function parent(param_1) {this.p
javascript oop interpreter modularity prototypal-inheritance
I am trying to write a javaScript application that is of sufficient size that modularity is probably a good idea. I am using the famous inherit function to enable objects to inherit from constructors that have parameters. The problem is I get an error that the parent being passed into the inherit function is undefined. This is because, well, the parent constructor hasn’t been defined when inherit is called.I have come up with a few ugly solutions to this problem:Declare all child constructors after their parent (yuk). Bind all prototype assignments to a custom event and use an ordered callback chain to ensure all the prototypes are assigned in order (perhaps there is potential there). Move all prototype assignments from the area in the code that their constructor lives and consolidate (and exile) them to some ‘assign prototypes’ function (twice the yuk of item one, no?).The bottom li
javascript prototypal-inheritance
I’m trying to get a deeper hold on prototypal inheritance and class creation (I know, there are other ways, but for the purpose of this I’m trying to grasp prototypes.) My question is: Using the following code example, is there a way to create private variables inside of Tree and Fruit that will not be returned with the function, but
James Allardice
Ivan Malyshev
Originally posted 2013-08-31 06:53:38.