problem about pre-increment-Record and share programming errors

  • Daniel Daranas
    c# c++ pre-increment
    This question already has an answer here:Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points4 ans

  • Chironex

  • Alex Reynolds
    php operator-precedence post-increment pre-increment
    This question already has an answer here:Why is $a + ++$a == 2?12 answersIn the PHP manual, operator precedence section, there is this example:// mixing ++ and + produces undefined behavior $a = 1; echo ++$a + $a++; // may print 4 or 5I understand the behavior is undefined be

  • Shubham Jaiswal
    #include using namespace

  • Eric
    c printf post-increment pre-increment
    This question already has an answer here:Could anyone explain these undefined behaviors (i = i++ + ++i , i = i++, etc…)8 answers#include #include int main() { int a=3; //case 1 printf(“%d %d %d\n”,(–a),(a–),(–a));//output is 0 2 0 printf(“%d\n”,a);//here the final value of ‘a’ //end of case 1 a=3; //case 2 printf(“%d\n”,(++a)+(a–)-(–a));//output is 5 value of a is 2 printf(“%d\n”,a);//here the final value of ‘a’ //end of case 2 a=3; //case 3 printf(“%d\n”,(++a)*(a–)*(–a));//output is 48 value of a is 2 printf(“%d\n”,a);//here the final value of ‘a’ //end of case 3 //case 4 int i=3,j; i= ++i * i++ * ++i; printf(“%d\n”,i);//output is 81 i=3; j= ++i * i++ * ++i; printf(“%

  • Anri
    c pre-increment
    This question already has an answer here:What is the difference between ++i a

  • XO39
    c++ post-increment pre-increment
    Please be easy on me and don’t shoot me as I’m still newbie.I’m totally confused and can’t for life figure out why when I run this code:int y = 9; cout

Originally posted 2013-08-31 07:03:56.