problem about ondestroy-Collection of common programming errors

  • spaaarky21
    android android-service ondestroy
    I’m aware that a Service’s onDestroy() method may never be called but can someone tell me when such a scenario might occur? I’m especially interested in whether it’s possible for a Service to be killed, yet its VM would continue to run.I ask because I have a service that registers ContentObservers in the service’s onStartCommand() method and unregisters them onDestroy(). If the service’s onDestroy() method was never called because the whole VM was killed (along with the observers it created,)

  • Matthew
    android memory ondestroy
    I have looked through a few articles around and notice that sometimes onDestroy() is not called when an app is exiting. Sometimes only the onPause() is called. My whole thing is that when I exit my app with the back button OR the finish() function, everything looks fine. When I attempt to reopen my app, it says:12-14 04:09:59.457: E/GraphicsJNI(996): VM won’t let us allocate 3279360 bytesI will paste the entire log as well. The thing is when it reopens, it force closes. After that, I can reopen

  • Chris
    java android exit stop ondestroy
    I am trying to avoid using onDestroy and want to keep this as simple as possible, but when I exit the program, I get a Force Close error. Not sure why. Here is the code for the main part of the application. Any suggestions?Main Application Codepublic class Quotes extends Activity implements OnClickListener {ProgressDialog dialog;private WebView webview;@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.main);WebView adsview = (

  • FSX
    android service backup ondestroy
    I am needing help to determine the right approach. I want to make a backup of an internal database to a location in the external storage every time the whole application gets interrupted or terminated/destroyed. I want to call this method from a central class called Main which extends Application. The reason for that is, that I need to use several activites and I want to call the backup Method only when needed (like described when the whole application gets destroyed or interrupted by another ap

  • rajath
    android android-activity ondestroy
    I am using a WebView in my app’s sole Activity. Whenever the user clicks on the BACK button, I override the onKey and process some clean up before calling finish of the activity.I see that once in a while (maybe 1 out of 20 times), onDestroy is not called. And in this case, if I launch my app again, a blank screen comes up. The Activity’s onCreate is not called, and neither is my overridden Application’s onCreate.Does anyone know why this happens, and are there any possible solutions?Thanks, Raj

  • Daniel Mendel
    android live-wallpaper ondestroy
    i have just started learning live wallpapers and i made this little thing.the thing is my app compiles with out any i open it in the phone it shows the wallpaper in the preview but when i click “set as wallpaper” it somehow crashes, and returns the front screen, and my wallpaper turns black, but it doesn’t run guess is the problem is some where along the onDestory() .. public class Strips extends WallpaperService {private StripsEngine engine;@Override public void onCreate() {su

Originally posted 2013-11-26 18:05:20.