problem about objectoutputstream-Collection of common programming errors

  • Sidd Menon
    java android file arraylist objectoutputstream
    In previous code in my program, I had saved an ArrayList (consisting of objects of a custom class called location as you can see in my code) in a file using ObjectOutputStream and FileOutPutStream. However, when trying to retrieve the object from the file, using ObjectInputStream, I am getting an error saying that I have an unhandled exception (ClassNotFoundException). Here’s the code I used to get the ArrayList out of the file:String file = “file”;ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStre

  • Marc-Andre
    java objectinputstream objectoutputstream eofexception
    I wrote some client – server program, that shares data but at server side i got EOFException after reciving data. I tried to fix it on my own but it is hard to find own errors.The error is caused by this line: Message command =(Message) serInputStream.readObject();Here is some output from$BlockDataInputStream.peekByte( at at

  • Greg Butzi
    java serialization tcp objectoutputstream objectinputstream
    I’ve serialized some objects so I can convert them to byte arrays for a TCP packet. When I send the objects from the server program to the client program, there are no issues and it works fine. However, even though the code between the server and client is identical, when I try to send objects from the client to the server I get an invalid header.Here are the objects I’m serializing:public static byte[] serialize(Hand c) throws IOException{ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()

  • user2278118
    java exception stream connections objectoutputstream
    It’s hard to fit it in the title but every time a client disconnects, a lot of exceptions are thrown and the server does not allow any more connections after the DC. Here is the error i Socket closed at Source) at Source) at$ Source) at$PeekInputStream.readFully(Unknown Source) at$Bl

  • Brendan Long
    java sockets objectoutputstream
    I’m trying to load an object via ObjectOutputStream using sockets.I’m testing on the same machine.I receive this invalid type code: 00at Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at

  • mithun1538
    java objectoutputstream objectinputstream eofexception
    I have the following code on the applet side:URL servlet = new URL(appletCodeBase, “FormsServlet?form=requestRoom”); URLConnection con = servlet.openConnection();con.setDoOutput(true); con.setDoInput(true); con.setUseCaches(false); con.setRequestProperty(“Content-Type”, “application/octet-stream”);ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(con.getOutputStream()); out.writeObject(user);//user is an object of a serializable class out.flush(); out.close();ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInput

Originally posted 2013-12-02 21:14:56.