problem about nm-Collection of common programming errors

  • prabhu
    segmentation-fault undefined-symbol nm
    I am having troubles in executing the binary. the program is receiving segmentation fault. The filtering is the out put of gdbgdb a.out(gdb) run Starting program: a.outProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00000001 in ?? () (gdb)Then i

  • osgx
    linux shared-libraries binutils nm
    I want to find some external symbols, used by one shared library (.so) in another. I easily can runnm -D ./lib_the_one.soand get list of used symbols by grepping, for exam

  • Abinash Bishoyi
    unix shared-libraries icu solaris-10 nm
    I am getting the following output for the nm –u for a ICU library. Does it mean this library is corrupted? While using this library some of our code take 20 mins to complete the execution. I’m suspecting it is because of this library is corrupted but I’m not sure about

  • cheshirekow
    ios symbols undefined-symbol nm
    I’m having some problems with my iPhone app not linking for the iPhone Simulator. It tells me there are undefined symbols: Undefined symbols for architecture i386:”.objc_class_name_NSRunLoop”, referenced from:pointer-to-literal-objc-class-name in SampleBrowser.cpp.o”.objc_class_name_NSDate”, referenced from:pointer-to-literal-objc-class-name in SampleBrowser.cpp.o”.objc_class_name_NSAutoreleasePool”, referenced from:pointer-to-literal-objc-class-name in SampleBrowser.cpp.opointer-to-literal-objc-class-name in libRenderSystem_GLES2Static.a(”.objc_class_name_UIApplication”, referenced from:pointer-to-literal-objc-class-name in SampleBrowser.cpp.opointer-to-literal-objc-class-name in libOIS.a(”.objc_class_name_NSObject”, referenced from:.objc_class_name_AppDelegate in SampleBrowser.cpp.o”.objc_class_name_UIView”, referenced from:.objc_class_name_SampleBrowserGestureView in SampleBrowser.cpp.o.objc_class_name_InputDelegate in libOIS.a(iPhoneInputManager.

  • coelhudo
    microsoft symbols nm
    I’ve long used cygwin’s nm command for all my .lib symbol debugging needs, but recently I thought abou

  • Johannes Weiß
    c unix gcc linker nm
    I have a linking error which I’m supposed to fix using the nm command on Unix.If I have the following linking error: undefined reference to ‘program

  • Alex Hoppus

  • Albrecht
    c static-libraries symbol nm
    nm command report a symbol to be both U an

  • user2187526
    android c++ android-ndk ld nm
    EDITED: solution at the end of the post.I am building a shared library for android using NDK r8d, using the sample project hello-jni from the NDK, and some static libraries compiled with the ARM standalone toolchain.NDK-BUILD complains about undefined reference. See the linker command and its output:c:/android/ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/arm-linux- androideabi-g++ -Wl,-soname, -shared –sysroot=c:/android/ndk/platforms /android-9/arch-arm ./obj/local/armeabi/objs-debug/hello-jni/hello-jni.o ./obj/local /armeabi/libDataProvider.a ./obj/local/armeabi/libPDF.

  • bshirley
    c ios linker undefined-symbol nm
    I recently ran nm -m -p -g on the System.B.dylib library from the iOS SDK4.3 and was surprised to find a lot of symbols marked (undefined) (extern

  • PhoenixX_2
    gcc linker static-libraries nm
    At linking time, I’m getting the following:libMain.a(Object.o): In function `Object’: Object.cpp(44): undefined reference to `Transform

  • teppic
    c linux icc nm
    I am linking an external library (via wierd process, mpicc + Cython + etc), but I have a weird behaviour of a linking procedure.There are two .o files, libpetsc4py.o and PETSc.o they are linked into a .so file PETSc.soOne contains an undefined symbol __pyx_tp_new_8petsc4py_5PETSc_Object[zheltkov@compiler-2 src]$ nm libpetsc4py.o | grep __pyx_tp_new_8petsc4py_5PETSc_ObjectU __pyx_tp_new_8petsc4py_5PETSc_ObjectIt is defined in another .o file:[zheltkov@compiler-2 src]$ nm PETSc.o | grep __pyx_tp_new_8petsc4py_5PETSc_Object 00000000001b92f0 t __pyx_tp_new_8petsc4py_5PETSc_ObjectThen, then linking is done (the compile line is weird, sorry)mp

Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:45:51.