problem about netty-Collection of common programming errors
java integration-testing netty resteasy
I’m trying to test a resource with Resteasy using an embedded Netty instance as described in the Resteasy Docs. Injecting path parameters and query parameters works like a charm but then I tried to test a resource that injects HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse from the context like this:@GET @Path(“/”) public void example(@Context HttpServletResponse response, @Context HttpServletRequest request) { … }Resteasy cannot find HttpServletRequestin the context and throws the following excep -
Hans Passant
java exception-handling netty
I’ve searching around for an exception handling pattern for Netty but I’m not able to find much. Some sort of exception handling guide would be great. I have exceptions thrown that are sent to exceptionCaught but I don’t know what to do next. Can someone provide a general purpose explanation of how to handle exceptions in Netty. What is the expected pattern for handling an exception thrown from a ChannelHandler?Thanks, Matt -
java netty
I am trying to implement websockets using Netty. I tried DiscardServer example and it works fine if I just run it using Telnet likeTelnet localhost 8090.So whatever the message I put in terminal window it returns me back. But now I want to implement same in browser like if I put some text message in a text area then it should display that text message on browser.I can start the websocket server using the following code ChannelFactory factory = new NioServerSocketChannelFactory(Executors.newCach -
extjs websocket netty
I’m using the extension, and have the following store definition:Ext.define(‘’, {extend: ‘’,alias: ‘store.statswebsocket’,requires: [‘’],model: ‘ExtMVC.model.Stock’,proxy: {type: ‘websocket’,storeId: ‘StatsWebSocket’,url: ‘ws://localhost:8087/ws’,reader: {type: ‘json’,root: ‘cis4-file-stats’}} });Using Chrome debugger, I can see that the data is actually retrieved but somehow it doesn’t end up in my G -
Yogesh Ramesh Vedpathak
Since any exception thrown in netty handler stack will generate an upstream event and eventually invoke exceptionCaught in handler the exceptions will not reach the uncaught-exception-handler. Even rethrowing that exception in exceptionCaught method doesn’t help (because netty handles it again). I would like to throw (some or all) unchecked exceptions from exceptionCaught method. Is there any way to do this? -
java google-chrome glassfish websocket netty
I am trying to make tic tac toe using websockets running on glassfish. I’ve download this example form git. Firstly, I want to test it, so I run it as a normal java process on my machine. I also made a tiny change to the tictacto.js if (typeof MozWebSocket != “undefined”) { // (window.MozWebSocket)appType = “Mozilla”;} else if (window.WebSocket) {appType = “Chrome”;} else {alert(‘ERROR: This browser does not support WebSockets’);}and thenif (appType == “Mozilla”) {ws = new MozWebSocket(WEBSOCKET -
java osgi netty
Is it possible to “undefine” a Netty AttributeKey or UniqueName instance?I have Netty 4.0.8 deployed in an OSGi container, and I have a class in separate bundle which defines a static final AttributeKey.The problem is that reloading or redeploying that bundle causes that class to be loaded again (and static initialization to happen again), so the AttributeKey constructor call blows up since the string used to identify it is already present in the map of in-use names from the last time the bundle -
java scala playframework netty
Due to backward compatibilities, all HTTP requests not having defined charset are converted to ISO-8859-1 by default. Our netty served Play! application correctly receives PUT requests with JSON body, if those requests have defined charset. In case it does not, those requests should be converted to UTF-8 somehow, preferably on global application level. So I have created a Global.scala class which will be in charge of receiving of all inbound requests and converting those ‘undefined’ to UTF-8, w -
amazon-ec2 websocket netty atmosphere
I have a netty server running the atmosphere framework for a real-time notification system over websockets.The system works perfectly on my local machine, but when I deploy it on EC2, It just does not seem to work. I am able to telnet to the remote Netty server though. The server is accessible and ports are open on EC2Firefox throws the following errorUsing URL: ws:// X-Atmosphere-tracking-id=35490c47-59d6-abf6-36fa-431aa340d9 -
java nio netty
I am writing a netty client and server application that will write JVM GC stats to a time-series database to analyse for around 300 servers. However my pipeline is throwing lots of these exceptions:10/02/2012 10:14:23.415 New I/O server worker #2-2 ERROR GCEventsCollector – netty error invalid type code: 6Eat Source)at Source)at -
java multithreading exception netty
Several times a minute there is an errorchannelConnected Exception in thread “pool-632-thread-1” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jboss.netty.util.internal.DetectionUtilat org.jboss.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer$Worker.waitForNextTick( org.jboss.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer$ Source)Netty 3.5.8 -
java ssl netty
I’ve read plenty of stuff to setup my SSL client/server system (no HTTP).I inspired myself from the secure chat example and the websocket ssl server example. Already created my cert.jks file with the commandkeytool -genkey -alias app-keysize 2048 -validity 36500 -keyalg RSA -dname “CN=app” -keypass mysecret-storepass mysecret -keystore cert.jksIn the secure chat example there is this class:public class SecureChatTrustManagerFactory extends TrustManagerFactorySpi {private static final TrustManage -
netty rxtx
I’m trying to use Netty 4 with RXTX (it’s not officially in Netty 3.x if I got this right).I think I have set up the pipeline factory correctly, but I don’t get any event generated when some data is sent to the serial port (I have confirmed with CoolTerm that there is some data coming in regularly from my device).Here is below the code I use for testing (where serialPort is something like /dev/tty.usbserial-A100MZ0L (this is a FTDI device):// Configure the client. final ExecutorService executorS -
sockets netty indexoutofboundsexception decoder socketchannel
My server provides socket service for the client. My server’s DecoderHandler extends from FrameDecoder. When my client sends small data (bytes less than about 1024) to the server, the server decodes it successfully, but when my client try to write the content of an image to the server, there comes up the index-out-bound-exception.I guess the buffer chosen by decoder must have a limitation of size. So I printed out the parameter–buffer’s class. @Override protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerCon -
When I receive a new request, I will put this MessageEvent into a LinkedBlockingQueue; another thread is running to read MessageEvent from this LinkedBlockingQueue, so I process the messageEvent and write to the client. But when I write to the client, an exception occurs.Here is my code:@Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) {;messageReceivedQueue.addReceivedMessage(e); }public void run() {MessageEvent e = messageReceivedQue -
java netty
My users are reporting this error to me, and I would like to silently ignore it, since it is a non crucial part of my application.2013-02-09 15:20:15 [WARNING] Failed to set a channel option: [id: 0x8cf59443, / => /] Invalid argument: no further informationat -
websocket jetty jboss7.x netty
I have tried to create a websocket servlet on JBOSS with Jetty 8.1.8 & Netty 3.2.7 I am using a client that works with Tomcat so i dont think it is the problem I keep receiving Null Pointer Exception whenever I try to connect to the server side websocket servlet the exception occurs in Jetty’s “” file after the following line: AbstractHttpConnection http AbstractHttpConnection.getCurrentConnection() the getCurrentConnection function returns null and following this line t -
java netty zlib
Is it necessary to use a delimiter such as LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder with Netty’s ZlibDecoders? I had an issue where the decoder would sometimes error with “unknown compression method”, this went away when I modified the pipeline to delimit the data. The javadocs for the Zlib encoder/decoder don’t mention this as required, though their super classes do. -
java netty
Environment Client / Server using Java Java = 1.6 (Update 31) Netty = 3.5.2 – Final I Am quite new to using Netty, and am trying out the basics first, i.e. send a String or Date from my client to my server, now I can get this to work, and can use “instanceof” to detect a string or date, and output as appropriate but when I extend this to use my own simple class, I am getting a error (see title and code below), I have looked at the pingpong example on netty documentation, so I think I am miss -
udaykiran pulipati
java netty
I am running a Java server (com.corundumstudio.socketio implementation), it used to work OK, but now, just after I start() the server, I get this error message:Exception in thread “main” Failed to c reate a<init>(Abstrac -
java tcp netty
25/Dec/2011 13:37:39 ERROR GServerHandler – Connection reset by peer Connection reset by peerat Method)at Source)at Source)at Source)at Source)at
Originally posted 2013-12-02 21:14:53.