problem about mime-types-Collection of common programming errors
iis mime-types referenceerror
I know a lot of people have asked this question before but none of the answers given have helped me. I used SVN to update a project I have been working on with others and all of a sudden I started get
Josh SF
wordpress caching object datepicker mime-types
My main site has a major error that is blocking the use of two Post Edit Screen dashboard based functions – an Amazon search and an external search (helps to find images, maps etc for use in post)I happen to have 2 clones – one is an intentional dev site that I use to test out plugins and the other just happens to have the same base framework and is undeveloped.All 3 share the same host server and exist in subdomains.I installed a cache plugin (hypercache / db cache ) – first testing it on the dev site. I tested between hyper cache, w3 total cache
ruby-on-rails json nginx content-type mime-types
I have created a rails application that has a simple RESTful json API. This has worked for a while, but now we have run into a problem. The javascript framework that makes requests adds a “Content-Type” header to all requests . . . including GET requests. It s
php iis mime-types fileinfo
I’m having trouble calling finfo_open in a PHP script running on Windows Server 2003 with PHP 5.3.5 & IIS 6. The call always returns Fatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_open() in…Through a little reading I know that fileinfo functionality is not included by default in the windows PHP install
Ethan Turkeltaub
google-chrome mime-types html5-video rack gridfs
I have a video as a background to a web page, and I am trying to get it to loop. Here is the code: Even though I have told the video to loop, it does not. I also tried to get it to loop with the onended attribute (as per this Mozilla support thread, I also tried that bit of jQuery). Nothing has worked so far. Is it an issue w
javascript internet-explorer mime-types
I need to determine the mime-type of certain files that get returned from the service, I do not know their file extensions or what their type is before hand, basically we retrieve documents from the API like such: “http://site.c
Kugathasan Abimaran
jquery-ajax mime-types
I’m trying to POST some json to a web service that accepts json.The function ‘basistech.serializeOptions()’ return a Javascript object at the moment, but I could easily make is return a string. Note that even though I’ve set the ‘accepts’ option, the header sent is ‘Accept: undefined’, which leads to some failures on the ser
Alix Axel
php validation file-upload mime-types
On the PHP website, the only real checking they suggest is using is_uploaded_file() or move_uploaded_file(), here. Of course you usually don’t want user’s uploading any type of file, for a variety of reasons.Because of this, I
Kishor Subedi
php mime-types
I uploaded a website to a server that looks pretty much the same as
linux mime-types
I ran xdg-mime query filetype to check the MIME type of a file, and it failed. How can I p
php forms post mime-types
uploadform.html and upload_file.php (below) works fine in Firefox but fails in Chrome, IE, and Safari when uploading ASCII .stl 3D files. Error message is “Invalid file” and problem occurs with multiple computers and multiple .stl files. When I modify the code to support other file types like JPG and PDF it allows those file types in all four web browsers. Also, Firefox only allows the .stl upload if I include application/
qt http boost-asio mime-types asyncsocket
ServerI have a Boost::Asio based http WebService, which asynchronously processes client connections and replies with a JSON content preceded by HTTP headers:std::string response += “HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n”; response += “Content-Length: 2000\r\n”; response += “Content-Type: application/json\r\n”; response += “Connection: close\r\n”; response += “\r\n”; response += mea
iis deployment clickonce mime-types
I have an existing ClickOnce application which began to time-out during initial installation on new clients. I’m not sure if it is my IIS configuration or an external factor. The Windows Server 2003 is configured with the “.application” MIME type of “application/x-ms-application” and this hasn’t changed. Directly running the .application file from a UNC share path works on the client machine. Also, a client which already had the ClickOnce application installed can successfully update with a new
Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:52:13.