problem about military-Collection of common programming errors

  • pebbles
    I have been trying to get onto the army rumours service web site for the past 2 nights and I keep getting this error messageFatal error: Call to undefined function themeheader() in /net/sywww/sypath/cpgn2/header.php on line 113Can anyone help please. I havent got any other problems with any other web site.

  • David G
    first correction i have to make is that we have not defeated anyone,any war against an undefined enemy is never a clear cut victory and it will not be in this case,as for Iran,there is no need to at this point in time to take any military action in that region as they pose no immediate threat to either the states or the UK and in the main prefer to sit on the fence and watch and until they are caught supplying weapons or aiding Iraq in any way then their best left,we cannot and do not have the t

  • Andy II
    Is the government hiding us, the taxpayers secret stuff like time travel and undefined technology?

  • Hannah- life is a goldfish bowl
    What is the real reason ?

  • anonymous
    How long would it take a private to reach the rank of captain. And please explain to me what all those q3 or o3 symbol means. And please tell me specically how long it would take the rank of seargent of the USMC from private. thank-you

  • L S
    The military husband and civilian wife has been separated for yrs. He pays her child support for their children through Child Support Enforcement. The wife says he still suppose to give her all or half of the BAH since they are still legally married is this true?

  • anonymous
    I in no way mean to demean your service, but is it easy to get behind supporting foreign governments and fighting for foreign policy and not your country itself?

  • ???????
    I am just looking for the “distinction.” Not trying to be insulting.

  • anonymous
    So I am 16 years old and am currently as m being put on Abilify for an “undefined mood disorder”. I am really nervous that me being on medication will stop me from being able to join the Air Force. Does anybody know if I still can??

  • U. S. observer
    I have watched the inquisitors at work and it is obvious that their “questions” are more predetermined opinion than question. Why anyone would bother appearing before this group is beyond me. As they are guilty of some undefined crime going in and must prove their innocence of that crime and facts are irrelevant.

  • Jim T
    Ive been reading some books on the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and some of the acts, which in my opinion deserve the Medal of Honor, go unnoticed, while, historically, some, in my civililian eyes, lesser acts of bravery, get the highest medal. I know that sounds really disrespectful, but I am completely pro-military and am not trying to sound like I disrespect our troops.

  • Jessica
    My recruiter gave me an AKO email address and i was having problems logging into it and setting it up on my computer. I followed the instructions on the homepage of this site but it didnt work for some reason. When I hit login or anything like that on the homepage a webpage comes up that says:Secure Connection uses an invalid security certificate.The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)* This could be a

Originally posted 2013-12-08 13:56:16.