problem about latex2html-Record and share programming errors

  • user1793120
    texlive latex2html
    For the following line of LaTeX code:y=\frac{1}{2}x^2LaTeX2HTML 1.71 in my installations of portions of TeX Live 2012 and an openSUSE-12.3, Linux operating system produced the equivalent of y=Image x^2instead of the desired equivalent ofy=(1/2) x^2without the parentheses, with a horizontal fraction line, and with x followed by a superscript 2 in the HyperTeXt Markup Language (.html) output file of LaTeX2HTML 1.71 when opened by the Konqueror Web browser. I have been suspicious that something in my installations of TeX Live 2012 and openSUSE-12.3 Linux prevented LaTeX2HTML 1.71 from enabling the display of fractions from LaTeX codes such as \frac{1}{2}. I request that users of LaTeX, LaTeX2HTML 1.71, which is the year-2008 version of LaTeX2HTML, and portions of TeX Live 2012, especially the software package named texlive-latex in the case of an openSUSE distribution of the Linux operating system, try this experiment and report your results and computer environments here:Using a text editor copy and paste the following lines of LaTeX code into a blank document in a text editor; and save that file as MyFile.tex:\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{color,html,makeidx,amsmath,latexsym} \pagecolor{white} \setlength{\parskip}{20pt plus 2pt minus 2pt} \begin{document} \baselineskip=29pt \begin{equation} y=\frac{1}{2}x^2 \end{equation} \end{document}Execute the following command twice: latex MyFile.tex. Execute the following command once: latex2html -debug -nonavigation -no_math -html_version 3.2,math -split 0 MyFile.tex. That command should produce a subdirectory called MyFile in the directory in which that command was executed. In that subdirectory MyFile should be a file named MyFile.html produced by the computer program LaTeX2HTML 1.71. Double-click on the file MyFile.html to have it opened properly in your default Web browser, for example Mozilla Firefox, Konqueror, et cetera. Look at the line which begins with y=. Is the next expression the word Image or the equivalent of the fraction 1/2 with a horizontal fraction line? If it is 1/2 with a horizontal fraction line, choose option “Failure” or “Success,” respectively according to whether you see the equivalent of y=Image x^2 or y=(1/2)x^2 with a horizontal fraction line and without the parentheses displayed, and write here:Success on the fraction 1/2 displayed using TeX Live 2012 in the _______ operating system and fill in the blank with your operating system, for example openSUSE 12.2 Linux, Ubuntu-10.0 Linux, et cetera.Failure on the fraction 1/2 displayed using TeX Live 2012 in the _______ operating system and fill in the blank with your operating system, for example openSUSE 12.2 Linux, Ubuntu-10.0 Linux, et cetera.In this way I hope to determine whether TeX Live 2012 itself or how openSUSE-12.3 Linux “handles” LaTeX2HTML 1.71 and portions of TeX Live 2012 causes or caused a problem for LaTeX2HTML 1.71 in the case of LaTeX-coded fractions in a freshly prepared, .tex document.August 20, 2013After a few weeks of time, gratefully I found what I will call a “workaround” solution for this problem using a clue kindly provided by Bob Tennent. On on the Internet he wrote, “…in some Linux distributions the latex2html package will depend on a full installation of something hopelessly out-of-date like texlive-2007 or tetex which complicates the installation” (of I think LaTeX2HTML). And at http:

  • Skarab
    tikz-pgf mactex tex4ht svg latex2html
    I have a document with a large number of Tikz pictures and I need to generate a html page from it. I have declared a driver to have TikZ pictures as SVGs (after this question) and run htlatex main.tex: \ifx\HCode\UnDef\else\def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-tex4ht.def}\fiHowever, for some pictures SVGs are correctly generated for some they are not (e.g., TikZ pictures from answers to this question). For most of them, I got XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag error with mentioned, e.g.:alt=”ExAAel ” class=”pic-halign” > Is there any website that would help me to understand whi

Originally posted 2013-09-26 03:15:03.