problem about laravel-3-Collection of common programming errors

  • Victor Bjelkholm
    php relationship laravel eloquent laravel-3
    I’m trying to show a snippet of code and in the same time display comments that you can make to the snippets (I call the snippets code). But I’m having troubles to view the username of the user who made each and every comment. I expect to have each user when I’m calling with(array(‘user’, ‘comments’, ‘comments.user’)) but I just get an unhandled exception.//Models class Code extends Eloquent {public function user() {return $this->belongs_to(‘User’);}public function comments() {return $this-&

  • The Shift Exchange
    php laravel laravel-3
    This question already has an answer here:$_SERVER[argv] with HTTP GET and CLI issue2 answersI like to think my Google-fu skills are fairly decent, but I cannot find a solution to this particular issue. I am running laravel on my dev box on my local server. I am running nginx, PHP Version 5.4.6-1 on a Debian Mint machine.When I point my browser to my local box, I am getting the following error message: Unhandled ExceptionMessage:Undefined index: argv Location:/var/www/laravel/laravel/core.php o

  • David
    laravel laravel-3
    I have a new installation of Laravel on a machine running ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Nginx, php-cgi, and Laravel v3.2.14I am getting the following error.Unhandled ExceptionMessage: Undefined index: argvLocation: DOCUMNET ROOT/laravel/core.php on line 218EDIT:I have managed to get a slightly more descriptive error by commenting out the error handling function in laravel //Error::shutdown(); on line 50 of DOCUMENT ROOT/laravel/laravel.phpNote that this line does not cause the error, it only seems to regist

  • Mike
    php laravel laravel-3
    I am trying to make a paging in Laravel, but i keep getting errors.I try put ->paginate(3) On the return, but i keep getting errors like Call to undefined method Laravel\Paginator::get() and Call to undefined method Laravel\Paginator::order_by()public function get_index() {$categories = Category::all();return View::make(“stories.index”)->with(“title”,”Sexnoveller”)->with(“categories”, $categories)->with(“stories”, DB::table(‘stories’)->order_by(‘id’, ‘desc’)->get()); }

  • Hicham LEMGHARI
    laravel laravel-3
    I have this situation, I changed in auth.php the ‘username’ from username to emailso I have ‘username’ => ’email’I don’t have any username column anymore, but when trying to login, eloquent yell about undefined index : username : …/laravel/auth/drivers/eloquent.php on line 39The method : The view : for your help

  • ipalaus
    php laravel laravel-3
    I am completely new into Laravel, but keep getting this error. I did follow an tutorial, and did exactly the same as the video, but it doesn’t work.In my /controllers/users.php i have:<?php class Users_Controller extends Base_Controller {public $restful = true;public function get_create(){return View::make(‘users.create’)->with(“title”,”Bum bum!”);} } ?>And in my /views/users/create.blade.php i have:<h1>Wallah {{$title}}</h1>But i keep getting this error? Unhandled Exception

  • peaks
    php mysql laravel eloquent laravel-3
    I’ve got 4 tables:My relationships should work like this:Items can only have one size, color and category.This should be working but it’s really not. The query generated returns wrong results.Here are my model files:<?phpclass Shop_Item extends Eloquent {public static $table = ‘items’;public static $timestamps = false;public function scategory() {return $this->has_one(‘Shop_Category’,’id’);}public function ssize() {return $this->has_one(‘Shop_Size’,’id’);}public function scolor() {retur

  • The Shift Exchange
    php laravel laravel-3
    Apologies in advance if the answer to my question is obvious. I have done my due diligence in researching this topic before I posted here.Most of my framework experience comes from using CodeIgniter, so I’ve never had hands-on experience using ORM. (CI does have some off-the-shelf ORM solutions, but I’ve never used them.)I would like to use built-in ORM functionality in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM to automatically join the tournaments and countries tables together when running a query, and return the

  • mOrloff
    php laravel laravel-3 has-one
    Goal: My goal is to be able to call $entity->legalName()->first() and get the entities legal name.Models: ##### Entity ##### namespace Entity\Eloquent; class Entity extends \Eloquent{public static $key = ‘uuid’;public function names(){return $this->has_many(‘Entity\Eloquent\EntityName’,’entity_uuid’);}public function legalName(){return $this->has_one(‘Entity\Eloquent\EntityName’,’entity_name_id_legal_name’);} }##### EntityName ##### namespace Entity\Eloquent; class EntityName

  • Danaia
    laravel laravel-3
    I have 3 tables: Invites, Nests and Users.Invites have the nest_id. Nests have the user_idI want to get all the users which have the same nest_id. How do I do this in elequent?The models have a has_many relationshipI am trying to do this in the controller:$users = User::with(‘invite’)->where(‘invites.nest_id’, ‘=’, $id)->get();I am getting this error:SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘invites.nest_id’ in ‘where clause’SQL: SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `invites`.`nest_id` = ?B

  • JackPoint
    php exception-handling laravel laravel-3
    Running Laravel 3. I am trying to upload files with the laravel framework. If the file is larger than the php setting for upload_max_filesize it throws the exception below.I have tried this in my controller and routes with no success (the if statement runs – it sets a session – but the exception is still thrown showing the error page)if ($_SERVER[‘CONTENT_LENGTH’] > 8380000) {//do stuff here because its too big// set a session and exit() }How can I prevent this exception from being thrown wit

  • Mere Development
    laravel eloquent laravel-3
    I’m struggling with a One to Many relationship and Eloquent. I have Events (As in show events), and I have Locations. Each Event is tied to one location, but each Location might be used to host many Events. (One)Location-to-(Many)Events.Here are my models:class Iaevent extends Eloquent {public static $timestamps = true;public function locations() {return $this->has_one(‘Location’);} }class Location extends Eloquent {public static $timestamps = true;public function iaevents() {return $this->

  • afuzzyllama
    php laravel laravel-3
    Mates, I’m havin a problem to save a record to the database. As I understand the error, it seems as it doesn’t exist an ‘id_purchase’ in the table. But it does. The code I’m using is the following:<?phpclass Purchproducts_Controller extends Base_Controller {public $restful = true; public function get_index(){$purchases = Purchproduct::where(‘id_hostel’, ‘=’, Session::get(‘id_hostel’))->get();$response = array();foreach($purchases as $purch){$response[] = $purch->attributes;}return js

Originally posted 2013-11-25 11:50:16.