problem about knockout-sortable-Collection of common programming errors
Kasper Lewau
javascript jquery mvvm knockout.js knockout-sortable
What I’m trying to achieve: A form with one text input field(Name), two select fields with some options(Type & Column) with a submit button that creates a Widget with it’s title set to Name, data-type set to Type and Column – being it’s position in the page. Type in this case has a couple of different options defined in the view, it works just dandy so I won’t go into how I got that working, for now. As of now I have a page with three columns, each as it’s own observableArray – like so: sel -
javascript knockout.js knockout-sortable
Issue example jsFiddleProblem: If !!$data.Visible() == false then it throws this errorError:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘__ko__1380676672381’ of null knockout-2.3.0.debug.js:578Error occurs here:getAll: function (node, createIfNotFound) {var dataStoreKey = node[dataStoreKeyExpandoPropertyName];Code:<!– ko if: !!$data.Visible() –><div class=”row-column” data-bind=”text: $parent[$data.Key], attr: { style: ‘width: ‘ + $data.Width() + ‘px’ }”></div> <!– /ko –> -
Micah Matteson
knockout.js knockout-sortable
Purpose My goal is to create a page where users can drag a set of predefined column names to the column headers from files they have already loaded in. The page will allow them to drag the static headers to the file headers for mapping them before we match them to our database.Issues All of my drops throw console errors:- Dropping in the same array throws: Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function- Dropping an available header in the file headers throws: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Arr -
javascript knockout.js knockout-sortable
I have a knockout sortable list with knockout sortable lists inside it. Essentially it is the basic ‘available student’ example (, only I want the tables to be sortable as well. I have this working mostly, but I have a problem with being able to drag tables into other tables.I was able to add an allowDrop function on the table list to prevent students from being dropped into the table list, this.isTable = function(arg) {return arg.sourceParent != undefined;
Originally posted 2013-12-05 09:42:36.