problem about kml-Collection of common programming errors
javascript kml google-earth-plugin
I created a placemark in kml with a name and ID = ‘campania’I uploaded it using the method, href, function())and I see a placemark on the map I would like to add placemar
kml google-earth-plugin
Does the GE Plugin Tour Player feature support showing a model from a .kmz file? If so I’m not able to get that to work.Here is a test page I have set up: http://w
Nate Kibler
xml google-maps overlay kml geoxml3
For some reason, I can’t get GeoXML3 to parse my KML file at all. My ultimate goal is to use the GeoXML3 parser to allow me to import polygon overlays via a KML file, then change the fill property of those polygons on a click event (to symbolize selecting/deselecting). Here is my current HTML file’s code: var myStyle = [{featureType: “poi”,elementType: “labels”,stylers: [{ visibility: “off” }]},{featureType: “water”,elementType: “labels”,stylers: [{ visibility: “off” }]},{featureType: “road”,stylers: [{ visibility: “off” }]}];function initialize() {var mapOptions = {center: new google.maps.LatLng(32.565333,-83.311043),mapTypeControlOptions: {mapTypeIds: [‘mystyle’, google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN]},scrollwheel: false,navigationControl: false,mapTypeControl: false,scaleControl: false,disableDoubleClickZoom: true,streetViewControl: false,draggable: false,zoom: 7,mapTypeId: ‘mystyle’}var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(‘map-canvas’), mapOptions);map.mapTypes.set(‘mystyle’, new google.maps.StyledMapType(myStyle, { name: ‘My Style’ }));var myParser = new geoXML3.parser({map: map});myParser.parse(‘tristate_area.xml’);/*var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(‘tristate_area.kml’,{suppressInfoWindows: true});google.maps.event.addListener( ctaLayer, “click”, function( kmlEvent ) {$.ajax({… my AJAX call …});});ctaLayer.setMap(map);*/ }If you un-comment the block that is commented out and remove the GeoXML3 stuff, the overlay appears as it should. But I need to use GeoXML3 to parse my KML data because I need to change the properties of individual polygons on click events.Below are SOME OF the contents to tristate_area.kml (I omitted the other two states to save space): 41F06414441F06414 GeorgiaemptyGeorgia outline#georgia_style-85.1301648712312,31.778853672117,0 -85.11528693111811,31.731565957183,0 -85.11867442354141,31.7085715963854,0 -85.1112049587349,31.6842421102739,0 -85.0592853056629,31.6212651525335,0 -85.04272135787051,31.5543898029988,0 -85.04269843494509,31.5196599288858,0 -85.0663120282063,31.4760895555663,0 -85.0614062661802,31.4406634414676,0 -85.0879419916334,31.3672341961667,0 -85.08256319000949,31.33233449639,0 -85.0812280506442,31.3030803697052,0 -85.10336136850169,31.2714361848353,0 -85.09360326113141,31.2270745000222,0 -85.1029571297253,31.1969220462589,0 -85.0933668734253,31.1722112527352,0 -85.06866250314511,31.1623640897378,0 -85.038068227176,31.1267131739262,0 -85.01699565076569,31.0801028338282,0 -85.0016071976334,31.0012534003007,0 -85.0001419997276,30.9793194525836,0 -84.97356770002369,30.9636643794248,0 -84.9690122705718,30.9270937759378,0 -84.9377761495732,30.8949576392884,0 -84.9269262387193,30.8469221763844,0 -84.93256395069341,30.802625045985,0 -84.9268948431928,30.7760887042882,0 -84.915343413445,30.7540898084089,0 -84.8882887897453,30.7438893824889,0 -84.86458306959619,30.7145032030319,0 -84.8630037111776,30.7126645389724,0 -84.3744481609224,30.6940918759687,0 -84.2816633081929,30.6904191353307,0 -84.07556221707689,30.6785776000623,0 -84.00073015189621,30.6755376606981,0 -83.7378439398488,30.6604911909877,0 -83.6090560569222,30.6507845923385,0 -83.31060073866981,30.6343032375269,0 -83.30131548232799,30.6332849379512,0 -83.13244038033891,30.62134139874239,0 -82.6963559598951,30.5957200992445,0 -82.5829575782702,30.5890537915584,0 -82.46313488325031,30.5826898377285,0 -82.4120926709198,30.5773075208331,0 -82.2210395703097,30.5
google-maps kml
I have an application that allows the user to draw shapes (polylines) on a map and save them to the database (via AJAX) along with some meta data (name, description, etc). I recently ported the code to use GMap APIv3 rather than v2. It appeared to be working fine, but in the last couple of weeks I’ve noticed some horrible performance problems when the user has many shapes (~20) with many points (80-200 per shape).It gets so bad with the one user’s map that the browser freezes up (both IE9 and the latest Chrome). This never happened when the app used v2 GMap and I can’t confirm if it was always this way with v3. I’m using blitz-gmap ( to hand
java javascript kml google-earth-plugin
In can’t parse the kml to my GE, whats wrong with my code?I’m stuck at this for 2 weeks and tried myself to do many others ways,Any help will be welcome,Rafael Jesusgoogle_earth.jsp var ge; google.load(“earth”, “1”); function init() {‘map3d’, initCB, failureCB); window.scroll(0, 10000); } function initCB(instance) { ge = instance; ge.getWindow().setVisibility(true); // add a navigation control ge.getNavigationControl().setVisibility(ge.VISIBILITY_AUTO); // add some layers ge.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(ge.LAYER_BORDERS, true); ge.getLayerRoot().enableLayerById(ge.LAYER_ROADS, true); // directs the exact location of the placemark var lookAt = ge.getView().copyAsLookAt(ge.ALTITUDE_RELATIVE_TO_GROUND); lookAt.set
openlayers kml
I want to create thematic maps using openlayer with kml map. but when i run the code, color and label thematic maps of the polygon can’t show up. instead writing out undefined. what’s the cause? are attributes of the map can not be read?here the code :var map;var jogja;var data= new Array();data[‘3401’]=663;data[‘3402’]=1794;data[‘3403’]=472;data[‘3404’]=1902;data[‘3471’]=11986;var wilayah=
openlayers javascript kml html
I have a KML with points representing the flight path of a small plane. Opening the KML, it looks like (up to style related stuff):absolute6.5022478,46.4633781,1222.112 Now, when I try
openlayers kml
I am creating a KML layer like this:new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(“KML”, {projection: myDisplayProjection,strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.F
openlayers kml
I have modified the Openlayers mobile Vienna WMS example, and am trying to change the labelButton to allow selecting of features to open a popup. I think it is necessary to do this as on a touch screen, it is hard to differentiate between touch to move and touch to select. However I get an error “Cannot read pro
Petteri Vaarala
openlayers javascript vector kml
I am working on Openlayers to dynamically load KML tracks on map. I want it to load filtered KML everytime map is moved or zoomed based on viewport and zoom level.I got it working with code below, but for some reason Permalink doesn’t work anymore. When pressing permalink link Debug console gives error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘loaded’ of undefined on line 108. That is the line layer.loaded = false; on UpdateKmlLayer() function.Could someone help on what I am missing here?// Start position for the map (hardcoded here for simplicity) var lat = 65.37371 var lon = 24.49389 var zoom = 6;var map; //complex object of type OpenLay
Harry Wood
openlayers kml
My OpenLayers map was working fine before, showing a KML overlay. Suddenly it broke. Now I see this error in my
php maps coordinates mediawiki kml
i’m looking for a convenient way to create a map of all articles within my mediaWiki and display it via Google Maps or Open Street Map. Currently i am using Template:Coordinate from Wikipedia to tag articles.I’ve seen that Wikipedia does map creation via templates like Template:GeoGroup. At least in the german version i fig
javascript google-maps-api-3 gis kml polygon
I am new to google maps and the API, trying to have the map pan to an area on a click. I’m not having a great time finding what I need in the API reference and not at all sure how to go about this so I don’t have much but here is what I have so far.I want to make it so clicking any region will pan over to and zoom in to display most of that region, which I believe is what panToBounds is meant to do.Most of the functionality will be coming from clicking
google-maps kml
I’ve added an click handler to a kmlLayer which places an marker on the location clicked on one of the lines (placemarkers)google.maps.event.addListener(kmlLayer, ‘click’, function (kmlEvent) {if (kmlEvent.featureData.description != undefin
google-maps-api-3 kml
I need to get markers, overlays and etc, that were loaded from KML, but i don’t understand how. Here
Charles Stewart
javascript google-maps kml
I am working with the Google Maps KML layer click event. I am using this code:function initialize() {var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(41.875696, -87.624207);var mapOptions = {center: new go
google-maps google kml google-earth-plugin
i am trying to build a google earth view showing cities, but i stuck with the kml parser geoxml3. I have a javascript building a google map at first showing the locations i want. this works fine. I call the function from a php script providing it an address and kml file reference from database. The function builds the map, sets a flag ‘map_finished’ as a control flag when all ran fine and calls the build google earth view function.// Get maps and earth from google google.load( ‘maps’, ‘2.s’, {‘other_params’: ‘sens
javascript node.js kml ejs
Is there a way for ejs template to call a function inside another function? For example I am trying to do li
python kml geojson wkt shapely
I am trying to get a KML-file (wijken.kml) into Shapely. The KML-file is validated against the proper XML schema, so I guess the input is correct.Routes I have tried:1) Converting to WKT or WKB format, and reading in with build in functionsConversion:ogr2ogr -f CSV wijken.csv wijken.kml -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT ogr2ogr -f SQLite wijken.wkb wijken.kmlIn shapely:from shapely import wkt, wkb f = open(‘../kml/wijken.wkb’) wkb.load(f) Wh
Roybert Soylend
shapefile postgresql kml import
As the title explains, I have a shapefile whose attribute table has no geometry column specifying the location of points. Rendered in QGIS, it looks fine, so the geometry data is obvio
xml replace tags kml elementtree
My research found that using XPath and/or xml ElementTree should work, but with the following code (I know it needs some work – new to python), I cannot yield the result I’m looking for.I’m looking to replace any name tag in my kml, that exceeds a single character, to a blank string. I would like to keep the structure of the element tree as there are important folders and subfolders, so a line by line string.replace method may not work because of unknown indentation. Any help would be greatly appreciated, here is what I have so far. import sys, string, os, lxml import xml.etree.ElementTree as ETkml_file = open(r’C:\temp\doc.kml’, ‘r’)tree = ET.parse(kml_file) root = tree.getroot() for name in root.findall(‘.//{}name’):if len(name.text) >
android kml google-earth
I have a number of KML files. They all have a tag around the data and contain a placemarker with a linestring. And XML comments. They tend to be large collections, but I tried some smaller files.Nothing appears in Android’s Google Earth, though it seems to load. They work f
java parsing kml
This question already has an answer here:best way to parseDouble with comma as decimal separator?4 answersI’m trying to pa
Originally posted 2013-11-09 23:29:27.