problem about jsonresult-Record and share programming errors

  • Chase Florell rest getjson bing-maps jsonresult
    I know there are a few topics on this, but I seem to be fumbling my way through with no results. I’m trying to use a controller to return JSON results to my Bing Maps functions.Here’s what I have for my controller (yes it is properly returning JSON data.Function Regions() As JsonResultDim rj As New List(Of RtnJson)()rj.Add(New RtnJson(“135 Bow Meadows Drive, Cochrane, Alberta”, “desc”, “title”))rj.Add(New RtnJson(“12 Bowridge Dr NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada”, “desc2”, “title2”))Return Json(rj, JsonRequ

Originally posted 2013-10-17 01:46:36.