problem about javacv-Record and share programming errors

  • sujan duminda
    opencv javacv
    once I tried to run below code I have bot this error. If is there someone else know opencv please help me .Thank youpublic static void main(String[] args) {IplImage imgA = cvLoadImage(“I:/1.jpg”,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);IplImage imgB = cvLoadImage(“I:/2.jpg”,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);CvSize img_sz = cvGetSize(imgA);int win_size = 15;// IplImage imgC = cvLoadImage(“OpticalFlow1.png”,// CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);IplImage imgC = cvLoadImage(“I:/1.jpg”,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);// Get the features for trackingIplImage eig_image = cvCreateImage(img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);IplImage tmp_image = cvCreateImage(img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);int[] corner_count = { MAX_CORNERS }

  • SL_User
    java image-processing opencv javacv
    Please can some expert person explain me whether we can use the cvHaarDetectObjects() method to detect squares and get width and heights? I found a code that use this method for face-detection but I need to know whether I can use it for rectangle detection.String src=”src/squiredetection/MY.JPG”;IplImage grabbedImage = cvLoadImage(src);IplImage grayImage = IplImage.create(grabbedImage.width(), grabbedImage.height(), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);c

  • sujan duminda
    opencv javacv
    I downloaded this javacv example . when i try to run this code from eclipse it shows this kind of error. please help me to solve this error. Thank youException in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:

  • Jonathan
    java opencv javacv
    It’s the first day of learning JavaCV for me. And this is the first test example which I use just to make sure that my setup is done correctly. Unfortunately I can’t run the example and I barely understand the code and all dependencies so it’s really hard for me to find out what is missing. Below I’ll post my project setup and also the errors I get.Also the example I use is from: static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.cvFlip; import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_highgui.cvSaveImage; import com.googlecode.javacv.CanvasFrame; import com.googlecode.javacv.FrameGrabber; impor

  • Simbi
    java opencv javacv
    I created a java application which displays images and lets the user select any area within this image using 4 points.What I want to do now is to take thi

  • Charsmud
    java javacv
    I am trying to detect rectangles inside of a given image. I am using the following code:package com.test;import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.*; import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_imgproc.*; import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_highgui.*;import java.lang.reflect.Array;import com.googlecode.javacpp.Loader; import com.googlecode.javacpp.Pointer; import com.googlecode.javacv.CanvasFrame; import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.IplImage; import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_objdetect.CvHaarClassifierCascade;public class CornerDetection {private static final String CASCADE_FILE = “haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml”;public static void test(CvMat filename) {if (filename != null) {cvSmooth(filename, filename, CV_BLUR, 9, 9, 2, 2); cvThreshold(filename, filename, 100, 1000, CV_BLUR);int N = 7;int aperature_size = N;double lowThresh = 20;do

  • user2001167
    android javacv
    I Use JavaCV On Android 4.0.3 it run to error with OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ssize.area() > 0) in unknown function, file C:\slave\WinInstallerMegaPack\src\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\imgwarp.cpp, line 1432Finding features…Exception in thread “main” java.lang.RuntimeException: C:\slave\WinInstallerMegaPack\src\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\imgwarp.cpp:1432: e

  • Lngly
    opencv javacv
    I’m trying to fit an ellipse to a set of 2D integer points in javacv and keep running into problems. So my question is, what kind of data does cvFitEllipse2 expect?From OpenCV’s manual I found thatCvBox2D cvFitEllipse2(const CvArr* points)Parameters points – Input 2D point set, stored in:std::vector or Mat (C++ interface) CvSeq* or CvMat* (C interface) Nx2 numpy array (Python interface)I have tried both CvSeq as well as CvMat the following way:1 CvSeqCvMemStorage mem = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSeq seq = cvCreateSeq(0,

  • NotIllogical
    java opencv javacv unsatisfiedlinkerror
    I have made a application to grab video from a webcam and detect motion using OpenCV and JavaCV. I am trying to export as an executable jar using eclipse. The program runs fine in eclipse as does the exe jar on the computer I coded the program on. What I am trying to accomplish is to make the exe Jar run on computers that don’t have OpenCV installed. Basically what I would consider a portable application. When I run the exe jar on a different computer that has nothing installed other than the JRE I get unsatisfied link errors seen below.Exception in thread “Video Thread” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\JohnD\AppData\Local\Temp\javacpp91062429652918\jniopencv_core.dll: Can’t find depende

  • Jeromy French
    java windows-7 opencv javacv unsatisfiedlinkerror
    In my project I want to capture image from my webcam.I configured step by step following the instructions from this “OpenCV-JavaCV : eclipse project configuration windows 7” blog post.After configuration is finished, i tested samples codes and the application found my webcamSETUP: Setting up device 0SETUP: Namuga 1.3M WebcamSETUP: Couldn’t find preview pin using SmartTeeSETUP: Capture callback setSETUP: Device is setup an

  • vlad417
    java image-processing javacv
    I am using JavaCV, attempting to access an RGB pixel. All the following attempts lead to either a RuntimeException (OpenCV Error: One of arguments’ values is out of range (index is out of range) in unknown function, file ..\..\..\src\opencv\modules\core\src\array.cpp, line 1797) or IndexOutOfBoundsException:CvScalar crntPx = opencv_core.cvGet2D(

  • gloomtojoy
    opencv histogram javacv grayscale
    i am new to this website, please let me know if i have made any mistake on my post. I have some questions regarding calculating and drawing histogram in javacv. Below are the codes that i have written based on some information that i have searched:There is this error that i get: OpenCV Error: One of arguments’ values is out of range (index is out of range) in unknown function, file ……\src\opencv\modules\core\src\array.cpp, line 1691private CvHistogram getHistogram(IplImage image) {//get histogram data, input has been converted to grayscale beforehand IplImage[] hsvImage1 = {image};//bins and value-rangeint numberOfBins = 256;float minRange = 0.0f;float maxRange = 255.0f;// Allocate histo

Originally posted 2013-08-18 11:16:11.