problem about indexeddb-Record and share programming errors

  • Deni Mf
    google-chrome indexeddb
    Since today I’ve started getting errors when I try to delete IndexedDB database in Google Chrome version 21. When i run the command for deleting database:

  • willian绿茶
    Safari6.0 no IndexedDB?My Safari version is 6.0.2 (7536.26.17)

  • André Bolinhas
    I’m trying update my indexedDB records but I get this errorDataError: Data provided to an operation does not meet requirements.Source FileI already tried this but don’t workedThis is my function:function

  • Batman
    javascript html5 local-storage undefined indexeddb
    I have an indexedDB which im trying to use to capture form information on user registration. That part is working fine but the prof wants an account to be create once with the username and password set on creation so he can log in. The way I approached this was with a localStorage API. I created a function to check if the admin account had ever been created, and if not to create it calling the addAdmin() function. I tried to create addAdmin() by copying my addObject() but for some reason my db variable is returning as undefined in the console. Error” Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘transaction’ of undefined var mainForm, fName, lName, uName, pass, email, dob, phone, bio, nl, terms, school, gender, save, reset, db;//————-USER DB——————// function startDB(){mainForm = document.getElementById(‘mainFormSidebar’);fname = document.getElementById(‘fName’);lName = document.getElementById(‘lName’);users = document.getElementById(‘uName’);pass = document.getElementById(‘password’);email = document.getElementById(’email’);dob = docum

  • jasondavis
    javascript html5 indexeddb
    I am messing around with HTML5’s IndexedDB.Below is a simple code from that is not wor

  • Václav Dajbych
    firefox indexeddb
    In Firefox 17.0.1 when I try to open the IndexedDB database, Firebug console shows me an InvalidStateError exception. Also request.onerror e

  • enguerran
    jquery indexeddb
    Regarding to What is the best way to create various IndexedDB objectStores within the same script? I created two objectstores :var opinionObjectStore = thisDb.createObjectStore(“opinion”, {keyPath: “id”, autoIncrement: false}); var commentObjectStore = thisDb.createObjectStore(“comment”, {keyPath

  • Don Rhummy

  • CrimsonChin
    javascript indexeddb jaydata
    I’m having trouble deleting data from IndexedDb. The methods works fine with WebSql but throws an error with IndexedDb. Initial population seems to wor

  • vector
    firefox web-worker indexeddb
    I can not seem to figure out HOW to use indexedDB inside web worker. I’ve tried a lot of different ways, but indexedDB is always “undefined” in worker scope. I

  • Don Rhummy

  • Don Rhummy

  • 13 revsvector
    javascript object types properties indexeddb
    the problem is, there is no “standard function” you can write to detect if some thing “is set”. for example, if it truly is a null object, then, you don’t want to work with it; but, if it has keys, then you DO want to work with it – however, if you try to see if it has keys when it does not, even though “typeof” returns “object”, using “Object.keys()” throws an error, saying it is no

  • AKA
    google-chrome indexeddb
    I’m trying to see whether an entry already exists in an objectStore. If the entry exists, I need to alter a few of its fields; if the entry does not exist, I need to add it.Here’s my query:var db = html5rocks.indexedDB.db;var

  • aaviss
    javascript jquery synchronization indexeddb
    I am using the following code to read data from Indexed DB and save it in variable allDownloadContentereaderdownload.indexedDB.getAllTodoItems = function() {/*var todos = document.getElementById(“todoItems”);todos.innerHTML = “”;*/var db = ereaderdownload.indexedDB.db;var trans = db.transa

  • Grupomo Azcollo
    javascript html5 indexeddb
    I’m trying to put the data read from the database in a variable. I have tryed many things, including a callback function, but nothing looks to work when the process is outside of the “opencursor().onsuccess” function scope.The “Alert 1” show the result correctly, but “Alert 2”

  • joe
    javascript indexeddb
    How do I return the auto incremented ID after inserting a record into an IndexedDB using objectstore.put()?Below is my co

  • Dr.YSG
    One of the odd things about indexedDB is that a objectStore.get() request with a key that is not in the objectstore generates a success event with ( == undefined) (see: the get function).I need to trap

  • user1460015
    delete indexeddb
    I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to ‘correctly’ check if the delete() functionality in IndexedDB actually successfully deleted

  • halfer
    javascript jquery indexeddb
    I have this code in IndexedDB:var request = objectStore.add({ entryType: entryType, entryDate: t});Now I want to know the key of th

  • Jim
    html5 firefox indexeddb
    I’m trying to run the “Using IndexedDB” sample code on out of the gate I stumble with the first line of code: window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB;Using Firebug I see that window.indexedDB is undefined as expected fo

  • Jake Drew
    javascript html5 indexeddb
    I am trying to use an index.openCursor(keyRange.only or keyRange.bound Provided here) to access one or more records using an index on a table created with autoIncrement: true. I have tried multiple variations with no success. Can someone show me a working example using the following code as a template:window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; var ixDb; var ixDbIndexTest = function () {//Open or create the requested IndexedDB Databasevar ixDbRequest =“testDBindexes”, 2);ixDbRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {ixDb = ixDbRequest.result || e.currentTarget.result;objectStore = ixDb.createObjectStore(“demoOS”, { keyPath: “id”, autoIncrement: true });objectStore.createIndex(

  • user2054219
    transactions undefined indexeddb
    I have some trouble with my code that I hope you can help me with. I’ve put my .open and all it’s following code (unupgradeneede, onsuccess, onerror aso.) in a js file and then I call it from another js file. But it seems like the code for openingen the IndexedDB and creating object stores never executes. This is the codewindow.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;contosoData = {db: null,useDb: function (successCallback) {var request =“ContosoData”, 2);request.onsuccess = function (e) {contosoData.db = request.result;console.log(‘indexeddb.success’);successCallback();};request.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {console.

Originally posted 2013-09-02 03:12:16.