problem about hottowel-Collection of common programming errors

  • dc7a9163d9 entity-framework breeze hottowel
    I created an Asp.Net MVC using VS2013 and used nuget to add HotTowel (V2.0.1 of 9/11/2013). I created a couple of ViewModel, Models. However, I got the following error.It sounds there is an issue with “Breeze Server (obsolete)” and EF6. However, it failed when I tried to install the non-obsolete Breeze for EF6.Install EF6 version of breeze error.Installing ‘Breeze.WebApi2.EF6 1.4.6’. Successfully installed ‘Breeze.WebApi2.EF6 1.4.6’. Install failed. Rolling back… Updating ‘Microsoft.AspNet.Web

  • dejobo knockout.js single-page-application durandal hottowel
    I am using the upgraded version of Hot Towel template which has new versions of Durandal, Knockout, Breeze, etc. for a Single Page Application. This process works fine with the older version but not the newest.This is the error I get:Unhandled exception at line 93, column 13 in [http://servername:50921/Scripts/durandal/viewEngine.js]0x800a138f – Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property ‘length’: object is null or undefinedI have changed the convention for the viewLoca

  • kougiland
    google-maps-api-3 durandal hottowel
    i am trying to bind google map to my project as followHow to bind google maps using HotTowel?<script type=”text/javascript” src=”” defer=”defer”></script>my js var map; function initialize(view) {logger.log(‘anfrage erstellen View Activated’, null, ‘anfrageerstellen’, true);var mapOptions = {zoom: 8,center: new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644),mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP};map = new google.maps.Map(document.getE

  • Papa Mufflon ace-editor hottowel
    I’m new to web development, so please have mercy 🙂 I’ve created a new ASP.NET project with the hot towel template ( and added<script src=”” type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf-8″></script>to index.cshtml. Also, I modified home.html to look like this:<section><div id=”editor”>function foo(items) {var x = “All this is syntax highlighted”;return x;}</div> </section>

  • Big AJ breeze durandal hottowel
    I just upgraded my Breeze nuget package from 1.1.3 to 1.2.7. I was getting error about some of my classes that had “ComplexType” items, so after upgrade I am getting the error below when reading the Metadata from my MVC4 Web API. Everything was working properly before that with the exception of ComplexType, so I know for sure everything is in place, since I was getting the Metadata, and was able to show the data on the screen.Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpec

  • bhushanvinay
    hottowel kogrid
    Using the following.1) Visual Studio 2012. 2) Hot towel template. 3) downloaded ko grid and and its css.home.html<section id=”alerts-view” class=”view”><header><a class=”btn btn-info btn-force-refresh pull-right” data-bind=”click: refresh” href=”#”><i class=”icon-refresh”></i> Refresh</a><h3 class=”page-title” data-bind=”text: title”></h3><div class=”article-counter”><address data-bind=”text: alerts().length”></address><address

  • hjpotter92
    javascript jquery requirejs durandal hottowel
    I am going round and round in circles trying to understand RequireJS and how to use it to load dependencies that DON’T show up as Undefined when I try and use them in Modules.I started with John Papa’s Pluralsight “SPA with HTML5” course. What I never understood was why there was a need to specify every library in a script tag that went into a bundle when I thought the whole point of AMD in requireJS was that you handed over responsibility to it and its data-main attribute to asynchronously loa

  • Ben Ripley
    javascript html5 single-page-application durandal hottowel
    I’m using the Hot Towel SPA project I’m trying to call a simple js function when a view is activated. What I’m seeing is that the item does not seem to be loaded when the activate function is called.I’ve also tried putting the code in an initialize function called by activate as suggested on other SO posts. This does not seem to help.So what is the recommended method in Durandal/HotTowel for calling a function on view load?home.js (view model)define([‘services/logger’], function (logger) {var vm

  • Chris
    typescript durandal hottowel
    this is my first post, so wish me luck :)I want to use hot towel(durandal) + typescript , i followed these threads: – how-can-i-use-a-class-for-my-shell-viewmodel-in-durandal – how-to-use-fancybox-in-combination-with-durandal-en-typescript – incorrect-this-in-selectand also tried DurandalTypescriptExample sample this sample does not run with this error:”Server Error in ‘/’ Application.The resource cannot be found. “at first i decided just to change my viewmodels with typescript, and after that s

  • ddtere
    widget durandal hottowel
    I have a Durandal widget (hot towel template) named “selector” in App>durandal>widgets>selector The code of controller.js of widget:define(function (require) { var widget = require(‘durandal/widget’);var selector = function (element, settings) {settings.selectedTopLevel = ko.observable();settings.showTopLevel = ko.observable(true);this.settings = settings; };selector.prototype.enableSelect = function() {this.settings.showTopLevel(true);this.settings.selectedTopLevel(null); };selector.p

Originally posted 2013-12-05 09:42:26.