problem about gwt2-Collection of common programming errors

  • SCK
    Hi Just going through GWT 2.5, came across ErrorHandler, which can be added to a widget which has implemented hasErrorHanlder. Can anyone help me in understanding.I am trying to write new Custom widget by extending the Compoiste if i implement HasErrorHanlders interface it helps me to catch what ever errors occur in this class should be known to it usage class… may be i am wrong..?

  • Daniel Kutik
    gwt smartgwt gwt2
    trying to use smart GWTUsing smart gwt 2.5 dowloded from link belowsmartgwt 2.5Firefox 6.0I made a small web application project(without smart GWT) which is working fine.Now in the *same project i added smartGwt 2.5 and added <inherits name=”com.smartgwt.SmartGwt”/> in myprojet.gwt.xml file.but now when i am running the project it gives me following error:[ERROR] [myprojet] – Unable to load module entry point class com.smartgwt.client.SmartGwtEntryPoint (see associated exception for detai

  • Prince
    gwt google gwt2
    I need to remove element from Also I need to empty the JsArray. Its urgent.Can anyone help me?Thanks in advance, Gnik

  • Mukul Jain
    gwt gwt2 gwt-2.4
    I want to add a column to the datagrid in GWT, the column should show integer values. However, i cannot find any cell that can show an integer. This is my codeColumn<Trade, Integer> sellQuantityColumn = new Column<Trade, Integer>(new NumberCell(NumberFormat.getFormat(“##”))) {@Overridepublic Integer getValue(Trade object) {return object.getSellQty();}};This shows an error – The constructor Column(NumberCell) is undefined. For now, i can show this integer as a string, but is there any

  • Domchi
    string gwt gwt2
    I’m upgrading a GWT project from GWT 1.7.1 to currently newest version 2.0.3. It seems that new GWT broke String.split(String regex) method – I get the following error on the Javascript side:this$static is undefinedThis happens in this line of my .nocache.js file:if (maxMatch == 0 && this$static.length > 0) {…which happens to be a part of String split method equivalent in Javascript.Is there a cure for this, apart from doing string splitting myself?

  • Brad
    java gwt gwt2 requestfactory
    I am using GWT 2.4 with the editor and request factory frameworks. I have a model, Trip, which has an Address ‘origin’ and an Address ‘destination’. When creating a Trip via the UI, the two addresses are created automatically and assigned to the Trip. User fills out details and saves. For some reason, I am getting the ‘autobean frozen error’ when trying to persist to the server. This code worked in GWT 2.3 and I cant switch back. I am hoping its not a bug in GWT 2.4. Here is some sample code of

  • GameBuilder
    java gwt gwt2 flextable
    I am learning GWT In in first row of flexTable i have added combobox, combobox , text box , AddButton , Remove button.On click event of addButton 2 row is added to the flexTable withe same component as first. ( combobox, combobox , text box , AddButton , Remove button.)ans so what i have to do is to write a code for removing the row on the click event of removeButton when click on any add button the similar row is what i want is when i click removebutton same row show be dele

  • Arvind
    smartgwt gwt2
    I am using Smart GWT 3.0- specifically I am working with the rotate sample that uses drawing class.I have changed the triangle drawn, and instead want to show a image in its place- I want this image to rotate in the same way as the other shapes are rotated when the user clicks on slider ( as shown in showcase)There is no error shown in eclipse after I have modified the code and saved it.I have changed the triangle shape code and replaced it with the following–DrawImage drawImg= new DrawImage();

  • Fotinopoulos Giorgos
    regex gwt gwt2
    I use the following in GWT to find the backslash from a string and replace with \\.String name = “\path\item”; name = RegExp.compile(“/\\/g”).replace(name, “\\\\”);But it does not work, because for name=\path\item returns name=\path\item.ok i follow the recomendation of Thomas Broyer and the first RegExp.compile(“\\”, “g”).replace(bgPath, “\\\\”) gives:Caused by: (SyntaxError): trailing \ in regular expressionat

  • restless
    google-app-engine gwt gwt-rpc gwt2
    I get the following error while calling my GWT RPC function, 500I did add the remoteservicepath and also servlet name and mapping in my web.xml, but i get the error Could not initialize class com.logins.server.Putquestion Caused by:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor19.newInstance(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)at

  • GameBuilder
    google-app-engine gwt gwt2
    I was using appengine-java-sdk 1.5.3. My web application Project was working fine.I configured the Sdk and add new sdk 1.6.3I got many errors in Problem window.The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-1.0-sdk- is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /project/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine ProblemThe App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-labs- is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /project/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine ProblemThe App Engine SDK JAR

  • Shoaib
    gwt gwt2
    I’m writing a module in GWT. It uses a WYSIWYG editor. It was running smoothly until I tried using RichText from GWT instead of WYSIWYG editor. Since it did not workout as expected, I rolled back to the old code (i.e. WYSIWYG). But now, when I run the compiled html file in a browser, I get an error Error: a is null Source File: Line: 1022It isn’t showing any errors during compile time either. Its har

Originally posted 2013-12-02 21:06:37.