problem about google-translate-Collection of common programming errors

  • Yury
    java android google-api google-translate google-api-java-client
    How can I use Google Translate API and translate text in an android app? I tried this: it doesn’t work. I have an Api Key too. My code is(according to official example):GoogleAPI.setHttpReferrer(“”);GoogleAPI.setKey(“My Key”);String translatedText = Translate.DEFAULT.execute(“Bonjour le monde”, Language.FRENCH, Language.ENGLISH);I put this code in my main Activity but I get an error: “Unhandled exception type GoogleAPIExcepti

  • Squ36
    jquery jsonp google-translate
    I’m currently developping a GreaseMonkey user script to provide a direct translation of some form fields inside an Intranet App.Everything goes OK until I call Google Translation API using this code :var apiurl = ‘’; $.getJSON(apiurl+encodeURIComponent(text)+”&callback=?”,function(data){alert(‘Translation Complete’);//Change text });Here are my problems : I’m forced to use JSONP as this is a Cross-D

  • tnorthcutt
    multi-language google-translate accessibility
    I am aware of the question What are options are there to implement a multi language site, but the answers there are focused on multi-language support on the backend as well as the frontend. I am only concerned with offering multi-language viewing of a site’s content, not multi-language content creation.Could it be as simple as putting the Google Translate Tools code on my site? I see that there are at least a couple of plugins that offer this functionality – anyone have experience with those?

  • phucloi89
    android google-translate
    I want to create a translate app in Android,i use Google Translate API,but it has error,please help me for fix it. This is my codepublic void onClick(View v) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubString InputString;String OutputString = null;InputString = InputText.getText().toString();try {Translate.setHttpReferrer(“”);OutputString = Translate.DEFAULT.execute(InputString, Language.ENGLISH, Language.VIETNAMESE); ////////} catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();

  • lionel b
    javascript asynchronous concurrency google-translate
    I’m trying to write a script that will allow me to quickly examine how a word changes when translated multiple times by Google translate. Unfortunately, I’m not very experienced with Javascript and I can’t pin down the source of the problem I’m having:function initialize() {var word = “Hello”;var english = [word];var german = [];document.write(“1”);var i = 0;for (i=0; i<10; i++) {google.language.translate(english[i], ‘en’, ‘de’, function(result) {if (!result.error) {german.push(result.transl

  • Andreas_D
    java google-translate
    I need an example to convert Spanish language to English language using Google Translation API. I tried with the following code. It gives some exception. can someone help me on the same.Code : import*; public class GoogleTranslator {/*** @param args*/@SuppressWarnings(“deprecation”)public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO code application logic heretry {Translate.setHttpReferrer(“sp-en”);String translatedText = Translate.translate(“Hola mundo”, Language.SPANISH

  • skaffman
    java google-translate
    How can i convert language in my Java? Is there any API exist, which convert any language to any other language? I am using Google Translate API, but it giving me below [google-api-translate-java] Error retrieving translation. at at at com.nextenders.client.beans.ruleengine.RuleEngineTest.main( Caused by:

  • Radicz
    c# google-translate webclient-download
    I would like to ask for advice. I have a method where I send a string of text to be translated. The method is called through the BackgroundWorker. The problem is that on some computers it works without problems, but on some computers fail me DownloadData. An exception only reports an unknown error. I’m sorry for my English. Thanks for any advice.private string translateCleanString(string cleanText){UnicodeEncoding enc = new UnicodeEncoding();string url = string.Format(“http://ww

Originally posted 2013-12-02 21:13:38.