problem about gadt-Collection of common programming errors
haskell typeclass gadt data-kinds
The following definitons are kind of required to understand what I’m asking:data Param = PA | PB | PCdata R p a whereA :: S a -> R PA (S a)B :: S a -> R PB (S a)data S a wherePrim :: a -> S aHO :: R pa a -> R pb b -> S ((R pa a) -> (R pb b))Pair :: R pa a -> R pb b -> S ((R pa a), (R pb b))data Box r a = Box r a I would like to write a function using these definitions that works as follows:trans :: t -> TransIn t -> TransOut twhereTransIn (R ‘PA (S a)) = a TransIn (R ‘PB (S a)) = a TransIn (R ‘PA (S (r1, r2))) = (TransIn r1, TransIn r2) TransIn (R ‘PA (S (r1, r2))) = (TransIn r1, TransIn
haskell ghc typeclass gadt
I have the following GADTdata Vec n a whereT :: Vec VZero a(:.) :: (VNat n) => a -> (Vec n a) -> (Vec (VSucc n) a)to model fixed length vectors, using the class class VNat ndata VZero instance VNat VZerodata VSucc n instance (VNat n) => VNat (VSucc n)I tried to programm an app
haskell gadt
I have this type and these functions:data Tag a whereTag :: (Show a, Eq a, Ord a, Storable a, Binary a) => a -> BL.ByteString -> Tag agetVal :: Tag a -> a getVal (Tag v _) = visBigger :: Tag a -> Tag a -> Bool a `isBigger` b =
Alessandro Vermeulen
haskell dsl gadt
Can we transform a GADT without a given constraint on its constructors to a GADT that does have the said constraint? I want to do this because I want to get a deep-embedding of Arrows and do some interesting things with the representation that (for now) seem to require Typeable. (One reason)data DSL a b whereId :: DSL a aComp :: DSL b c -> DSL a b -> DSL a c–
haskell dsl gadt
In Type-Safe Observable Sharing in Haskell Andy Gill shows how to recover sharing that existed on the Haskell level, in a DSL. His solution is implemented in the data-reify package. Can this approach be modified to work with GADTs? For example, given this GADT:data Ast
haskell parameterized ambiguous gadt
I have a pretty straightforward function that takes a parameterized data type and returns the same type:{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}class IntegerAsType a wherevalue :: a -> Integernewtype (Num a, IntegerAsType n) => PolyRing a n = PolyRing [a] deriving (Eq) normalize :: (Num a, IntegerAsType n) => (PolyRing a n) -> (PolyRing a n) normalize r@(PolyRing xs) | (genericLength xs)
Petr Pudlák
haskell functor gadt bottom-type
When discussing Void on Haskell Libraries mailing list, there was this remark:Back in the day it used to be implemented by an unsafeCoerce at the behestof Conor McBride who didn’t want to pa
James Koppel
haskell types gadt
Consider the following code:data (:+:) f g a = Inl (f a) | Inr (g a)data A data Bdata Foo l whereFoo :: Foo Adata Bar l whereBar :: Bar Btype Sig = Foo :+: Barfun :: Sig B -> Int fun (Inr Bar) = 1Even though fun is an
Petr Pudlák
haskell ghc gadt derived-instances
Suppose I have the following code:{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving #-} import Data.Typeableclass Eq t => OnlyEq t class (Eq t, Typeable t) => BothEqAndTypeable tdata Wrapper a whereWrap :: BothEqAndTypeable a => a -> Wrapper aderiving instance Eq (Wrapper a) deriving instance Typeable1 WrapperThen, the following instance declaration works, w
Oren Ben-Kiki
haskell type-inference gadt
I am trying to create complex data structures with composable logic. That is, the data structure has a generic format (essentially, a record with some fields whose type can change) and some generic functions. Specific structures have specific implementation of the generic functions.There are two approaches I tried. One is to use the type system (with type classes, type families, functional dependencies etc.). The other is creating my own “vtable” and using GADTs. Both methods fail in a similar way – there seems to be something basic I’m missing here. Or, perhaps, there a better more Haskell-ish way to do this?Here is the failing “typed” code:{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}module Typed whereimport Control.Monad.State import Data.Lens.Lazy import Data.Lens.Template– Generic Block. data Block state ports = Block { _blockState :: state, _blockPorts :: ports }– For the logic we want to use, we need some state and ports. data LogicState = LogicState { _field :: Bool } data LogicPorts incoming outgoing =LogicPorts { _input :: incoming, _output :: outgoing }makeLenses [ ”Block, ”LogicState, ”LogicPorts ]– We need to describe how to reach the needed state and ports, — and provide a piece of the logic. class LogicBlock block incoming outgoing | block -> incoming, block -> outgoing wherelogicState :: block ~ Block state ports => Lens state LogicStatelogicPorts :: block ~ Block state ports => Lens ports (LogicPorts incoming outgoing)convert :: block ~ Block state ports => incoming -> State block outgoingrunLogic :: State block outgoingrunLogic = dostate
Originally posted 2013-11-09 21:18:13.