problem about entity-attribute-value-Collection of common programming errors

  • demonkoryu
    php magento entity-attribute-value
    I’ve noticed that Magento keeps the URL to the logo it uses for each store you setup in the core_config_data table.If I run this SQL:SELECT * F

  • Bill Karwin
    php database postgresql entity-attribute-value
    I’m in the process of rebuilding an application (lone developer here) using PHP and PostgreSQL. For most of the data, I’m storing it using a table with multiple columns for each attribute. However, I’m now starting to build some of the tables for the content storage. The content in this case, is multiple sections that each contain different data sets; some of the data is common and shared (and foreign key’d) and other data is very unique. In the current iteration of the application we have a table structure like this:id | project_name | project_owner | site | customer_name | last_updated —————————————————————-

  • dognose
    mysql entity-attribute-value
    We are going to use the EAV Pattern for a szenario, where we will have various different entities with very different attributes.The “basic” EAV-Pattern is made out of 3 tables. As different attributes would have different DataTypes (date, long, boolean,….) im currently thinking about how to resolve this.First way would be to store everything as a string. This requires “parsing” and having a number like ‘1’ would not show directly, if this is a double, boolean or anything. Attribute Values Table would look like id|attribute_id|entity_

  • jdog
    symfony1 doctrine entity-attribute-value
    I have the following schema.yml:JosJeventsVevdetail:connection: doctrinetableName: jos_jevents_vevdetailcolumns:evdet_id:type: integer(4)fixed: falseunsigned: falseprimary: trueautoincrement: truerawdata:type: string()fixed: falseunsigned: falseprimary: falsenotnull: trueautoincrement: falserelations:CustomField: { class: JosJeventsVevdetail, local: evdet_id, foreign: evdet_id, type: one, foreignType: man

Originally posted 2013-11-09 19:02:58.