problem about deferred-Collection of common programming errors

  • campari
    javascript jquery stop cancel deferred
    Is there a way to cancel a deferred callback queue in progress? I have an arbitrary amount of ajax calls. I’d like to stop further ajax requests when data of success returns specific marker:this.

  • Aadit M Shah
    javascript error-handling try-catch twisted deferred
    After looking at Twisted’s Deferred class and HeavyLifters Deferred Library I noticed that errbacks are fired if the previous resultant value was an instance of the Failure class. This got me thinking: is there any particular reason for returning a special object

  • arkascha
    javascript jquery deferred
    I have a web applciation based on apache, php, js/jquery. One module of the application is initialized when the document is loaded. That sequence calls an init() funcion that performs a number of tasks, amongst others it fetches two html dialogs via ajax and inserts them into the existing page. A reference to those dialogs is saved as variables, so that I don’t have to specify jquery selectors throughout my scripts but can simply use those variables instead. This work fine, except that there are very few cases (now and then…) when the variables are ‘undefined’ when trying to bind a handler to an element inside the fetched dialogs. Which is odd, because apart from that bind the dialogs are usable throughout the application. This suggests that the ajax calls succeed, but aparently there is some kind of race condition, so that now and then the variables are only set after the bind attempt. In my understanding this should not happen, since the bind is done in the .done() part of a when() and should only be executed after the ajax retrieval of the dialogs has finished inside the when(). Aparently I am missing something fundamental here. Anyone got a hint for me ? The following cites code excerpts from the working implementation. They may appear syntactically invalid as some parts, but that is just due to the removal of code parts n

  • Conradub
    javascript asynchronous web-api deferred q
    Already had a layer in JS which helps Gets and Posts to the server with the following implementations :var getJson = function(url, callback, onError) {$.get(url).done(function(data) {if(callback != null)callback(data);}).fail (function(error) {if(onError != null)onError (error);elsemy.notification.notifyError(onErrorMessage);}); };var postJSON = function(url, data, callback, onError) {$.ajax({url : url ,type: “POST” ,contentType : “application/json”dataType : “json” ,date : ko.toJSON(data)}).done(function(data) {if(callback ! = null)callback(data);}).fail(function(error) {if(onError ! = null)onError (error);elsemy.notification.notifyError(onErrorMessage);}); };

  • frequent
    javascript jquery ajax asynchronous deferred
    I need to set an async callback, because a function fetches content from a remote location. I’m doing this:$.when( priv[box.view.renderWith](content, box.view.gadget_id) ).then(function(late) {console.log(“done”);console.log(late)console.log($(content))$(content).append(late).enhanceWithin(); });with my when function triggering a single Ajax request. In it’s callback I’m returning an element to append to $(content).My problem is, the then function fires immediately and long before my ajax callback is run and returns something.Question: Is it not possible to use when

  • Vprnl
    javascript node.js promise deferred q
    I think this is a really stupid question but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around promises. I’m using Q (for nodejs) to sync up a couple of async functions. This works like a charm. var first = function () {var d = Q.defer();fs.readdir(path,function(err,files){if(err) console.log(err);d.resolve(files);});return d.promise;};var second = function (files) {var list = new Array;files.forEach(function(value, index){var d = Q.defer();console.log(‘looking for item in db’, value);db.query(‘SELECT * FROM test WHERE local_name =? ‘, [value],{local_name : String,},function(rows) {if (typeof rows !== ‘undefined’ && rows.length > 0){console.log(‘found item!’, rows[0].local_name);d.resolve(rows[0]);} else {var itemRequest = value;getItemData(itemRequest);}});list.push(d.promise);});return Q.all(list);};first().then(second).done

  • user1648170
    javascript jquery function private deferred
    I’m trying to use jQuery deferred with private dynamic calling functions like this:var module = (function(){var privateFuncs = {privateMethod: function(val) {console.log(val);}};var success = function() {console.log(‘Success’);};var publicMethod = function() {var functionString = “privateMethod”;privateFuncs[functionStr

  • Sven
    jquery spotify deferred
    I have a spotify app and want to wait for a loop to finish. But it only works after reloading my app once.function matchRecommendations(result) { var deferreds = new Array(); for ( var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {// Async waitvar dfd = $.Deferred();deferreds.push(dfd.promise());

  • Bob Jones
    ajax promise notify deferred
    I am trying to create a test case to monitor progress of multiple parallel asynchronous server tasks. I have the code sort-of working, but there are several pieces I don’t understand. First, what does the $.ajax call below return? In theory, it should return undefined, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.function doParallel() { var promiseA, promiseB, handleSuccess, handleFailure;var dataA

  • pkozlowski.opensource
    dynamic configuration url-routing angularjs deferred
    I have configured some basic routes that are available for all users before they log in:App.config(function ($routeProvider) {$routeProvider.when(‘/login’, { templateUrl: ‘views/login.html’, controller: PageStartCtrl.Controller }).otherwise({ redirectTo: ‘/login’ }); });So the on

  • Rohan Büchner
    javascript jquery jquery-deferred deferred
    I’ve got the following. var lookupInit = function () { http.get(‘api/employmenttype’, null, false).done(function (response) {console.log(‘loaded: employmenttype’);vm.lookups.allEmploymentTypes(response);}); http.get(‘api/actionlist’, null, false).done(function (response) {console.log(‘loaded: actionlist’);vm.lookups.allActionListOptions(response);}); http.get(‘api/company’, null, false).done(function (response) {console.log(‘loaded: company’);vm.l

  • allenru
    jquery ajax deferred responsetext
    This has me stumped. I have an array of urls (for data) which I need to pull into the page and process the results once all are loaded. I am attempting to use JQuerys Deffered functionality to ensu

  • Giehl Man
    asynchronous dojo callback chaining deferred
    I’m quite new to dojo, but I have a certain error dealing with the Deferred API I can’t helpmy invoking code isfunction openEditor(id, fieldName) {editOptionsDialog_fetchData(id, fieldName).then(function(data){console.log(“done!”);});console.log(“leaving openEditor!”); }which calls this functionfunction editOptionsDialog_fetchData(id, fieldName) {require([“dojo/ready”, “dojo/data/ObjectStore”, “dojo/Deferred”], function(ready, ObjectStore, Deferred) {var store;var def;switch (fieldName) {case “degree

  • Beetroot-Beetroot
    javascript jquery promise deferred resolve
    I’m trying to get jQuery deferred to work and am having some problems.My system is using postMessage to pass messages from and to sandboxed areas on a website. So when I request a service from a sandboxed area like this:// on click of button foo.requestService(options, function (response) {$(“#c”).val(response); // set value of input button }Internally, I’m creating a new $.deferred every time the button is clicked and the service is requested like so:that.requestService = $.fn.requestService = function (options, callbackF

  • PatchCR
    jquery angularjs promise deferred q
    I am developing both a javascript library and an AngularJS front-end. The JavaScript Library needs to be portable so it cannot rely on AngularJS. We use a pretty standard servlet query pattern:queryService = function(url, method, params, resultHandler, queryId) {var request = {jsonrpc: “2.0”,id: queryId || “no_id”,method: method,params: params};$.post(url, JSON.stringify(request), handleResponse, “json”);function handleResponse(response){if (response.error)console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 3));else if (resultHandler)resultHandler(resp

  • user1982408
    jquery ajax callback deferred
    I have used promises in jQuery slightly before – but I am having trouble applying it to this scenario. I prefer to use the $.when() and $.done() methods to achieve this.From what I understand I need to build a $.Deferred objec

  • brakebg
    java gwt binding deferred
    i have a gwt project and using method GWT.create(SomeClass.class) throw exception. The exception is :Loading module: WebchargeTop URL: agent: ChromeRemote host: wsta1:39330Tab key: Session key: v2aC’2^b3!lQgZS6 DEBUG: Validating newly compiled units. ERROR: Errors in ‘jar:file:/home/devel/Downloads/gwt-2.3.0/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/’. ERROR: Line 97: No source code is available for type javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a required module?. ERROR: Errors in ‘jar:file:/home/devel/Downloads/gwt-2.3.0/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/’. ERROR: Line 67: No source code is available for type javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a required module?. ERROR: Errors in ‘jar:file:/home/devel/Downloads/gwt-2.3.0/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/’. ERROR: Line 40: No source code is available for type javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a required module?. ERROR: Errors in ‘jar:file:/home/devel/Downloads/gwt-2.3.0/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/testing/’. ERROR: Line 108: No source code is available for type javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; did you forget to inherit a required module?. ERROR: Errors in ‘file:/home/devel/webcharge/webapp-gwt/src/gmgsys/com/webcharge/client/’. ERROR: Line 15: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?. ERROR: Errors in ‘file:/home/devel/webcharge/webapp-gwt/src/gmgsys/com/webcharge/client/’. ERROR: Line 124: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?. ERROR: Errors in ‘file:/home/devel/webcharge/webapp-gwt/src/gmgsys/com/webcharge/client/’. ERROR: Errors in ‘file:/home/devel/webcharge/webapp-gwt/src/gmgsys/com/webcharge/client/’. ERROR: Errors in ‘file:/home/devel/webcharge/webapp-gwt/src/gmgsys/com/webcharge/client/’. ERROR: Line 46: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?. ERROR: Line 13: No source code is avail

Originally posted 2013-11-10 00:29:22.