problem about basic-Collection of common programming errors

  • Charles
    I want to use Run(“someProgram.exe”) command using BAS

  • Montravont
    visual basic .net
    So I’m making a character creator for a game I’m working on in my spare time.For each character, powers can be chosen. Based on the

  • tiynkaran
    visual basic 4 5 6
    Hi, Could anybody answer my questionI tried to captur

  • thoffman
    visual basic .net
    Hello all – I am experiencing an extremely odd bug with an application I’ve created and I cannot figure out why it is doing this… The application generates weekly reporting stats as Excel files by copying the previous week’s file with a new name (ex: 04-06-2009.xls – Monday of the week the stats will be generated for), clears the data within the workbook and inserts the selected week’s stats that are pulled from raw data extracts. This portion of the form contains a date/time picker with the initial value of March 18, 2009, a label, a text box and a button to b

  • amollokhande1
    visual basic .net
    Hi, I am trying to read the file contents using Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers System.IO.File.ReadAllText After

  • premMS143
    visual basic 4 5 6
    Hi,I want to ping certain systems IP. Everytime I’m using DOS or Start –> Run mode for pinging different PCs. But its becom

  • coolminded
    visual basic 4 5 6
    Dear all, when i run the following code it shows the errorrun-time error:’429’ActiveX Component cant create object i have also registered vbxmlrpc.dll Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Load() Label1.Caption = “”Label1.BackColor = &H80000005Label1.BorderStyle = 1Label1.Height = 255Label1.Left = 120Label1.Top = 120Label1.Width = 3615 Command1.Caption = “Get Time @ Userland”Command1.Height = 375Command1.Left = 120Command1.Top = 480Command1.Width = 3615 Caption = “Userland Time”‘ BorderStyle = 1Height = 1350Width = 3945 End Sub Private Sub Comm

  • comalco2000
    visual basic 4 5 6
    If I place objects (i.e. image box controls containing graphics) onto a form at random during runtime, how can I then detect a button_down mouse event when I hover over one of those new controls if I don’

  • omono84
    visual basic 4 5 6
    I know that this should be rather simple but i seem to be missing a step to get it to work. and have been unable to find a solution on the net. The aim is that I click on the open button to find and open an unknown workbook that contains the data that I need to imput into my current workbook, once the unknown workbook is opened it should automatically select my range (number of columns known, but number of rows unknown- the number of rows needed to be copied will change each time the unknown workbook is opened).

  • vineet1987
    visual basic 4 5 6
    i have already written my code using the neural network logic….and it works fine…it is basically a hand written character recognition system…which accepts “bitmap” image files which i made through “windows Paint application” (from A to Z) and recognizes which character i

  • flower88
    visual basic 4 5 6
    Hello,I’m working on a search form. I have 3 combo boxes and I want to find combinations on a query to later show it in a report. Perhaps this is too complicated but I don’t know how else to do it. I thought this code worked at first, but then a realized it wasn’t really working. I know something is up with the if statements but I don’t know how to fix it. Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers Private Sub Findbtm_Click() If Me.CompanyCell.Value = “” Then Beep Select Case MsgBox(“Cell Company is required”, vbOK) Case vbOK: ‘do nothing Case Else: ‘do nothing End Select Else Me.cellbox = Me.CompanyCell Me.newcell = Me.CompanyCell Me.firstflux = Me.Companyflux Me.firstribbon = Me.CompanyRibbon If [firstflux] = [company name] And [firstribbon] = [Ribbon Company] Then MsgBox (“firstfluxcompanyname and firstribbonribbon company”) DoCmd.OpenQuery “Sales”, acViewNormal DoCmd.OpenReport “sales”, acViewReport DoCmd.Close acForm, “sales”, acSaveNo ElseIf [firstflux] = “” And [firstribbon] = “” Then MsgBox (“firstflux=”” and firstribbon=”””) DoCmd.OpenQuery “Sales”, acViewNormal DoCmd.OpenReport “sales”, acViewReport DoCmd.Close acForm, “sales”, acSaveNo ElseIf [firstflux] = [company name] And [firstribbon] = “” Then MsgBox (“firstflu

  • flower88
    visual basic 4 5 6
    Hi, I’m working on an Access 2007 database. I’m trying to build a search form that opens up your search on a query. I was working before, but I feel like i change something and now, it doesn’t give me what I’m asking for. I have three fields on the form (companycell, companyflux, companyribbon). I don’t know how to incorporate the value from companycell to the field on the query. Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers Private Sub Findbtm_Click() If Me.CompanyCell.Value = “” Then Beep Select Case MsgBox(“Cell Company is required”, vbOK) Case vbOK: ‘do nothing Case Else: ‘do nothing End Select Else If [Companyflux] = [company name] Or [CompanyRibbon] = [Company] Or [Companyflux] = “” Or [CompanyRibbon] = “” Then DoCmd.OpenQuery “Sales” Else Beep Select Case MsgBox(“Co

  • izharmel
    visual basic 4 5 6
    Hi,I wrote (with some help) a function which receives a table of numerical data, and outputs another table which contains the average value from each user picked number of lines and the maximum from that range. Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers Function Average_Max(cntr As Integer) Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim time1 As String Dim av As Long Dim mx As Long Set db = CurrentDb Do

  • SaradaV
    visual basic .net
    Hi all, I am working on web application and Often getting the following error. But even with the same inputs it is not reproducable. In most of the cases its executing successfully and in some rare (unknown) cases only its failing. The interesting point is; I just noted one set of the inputs caused the problem and tried to reproduce the same problem but not able to reproduce the error. One time error came

  • RobT
    visual basic 4 5 6
    I have this form built in VB 2010 that mirrors an Excel spreadsheet. I’ve been at this for a month and I can’t get this to work. I need the user to run the program and f

  • MPelletier
    multithreading thread-safety nullreferenceexception basic blitzmax
    First thing to say: I program in a relatively unknown language: Blitzmax, which is a object oriented Basic dialect.My problem is the following: I wrote a debugmanager which runs in an own thread. So from every position in the program (it will be a game) you can add debug- or errormessages to the manager’s queue. In its own thread, it will fetch the messages from the queue and process them by writing them into a file and (if the message has the current chosen Debuglevel, Debugcategory and outputcategory, which are just enums) write it to the console.Now I tested the program on three systems: My desktop PC which has Windows 8 as OS, my own laptop which has Windows 7 and the laptop of a friend which also has windows 7. On my PC and my friend’s laptop everything is fine. But on my own laptop I get, nearly everytime, an “EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION” Error while the manager is processing the messages. Sometimes the program just runs fine, but most of the time it breaks down with this error. Even in debugmode no line or stacktrace is shown which made it very hard to debug.I broke all needed classes down to a minimum of attributes and functionality to make it easier to find the problem. Now the queue is just a list (which is natively build in in Blitzmax) and the message just has one attribute which is a string. Also the debugmanager only writes the message into the console without passing it to the process method which would wri

Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:47:35.