problem about baseadapter-Collection of common programming errors

  • mmBs
    android listview android-lifecycle baseadapter
    My app runs fine besides when the user stops using their phone long enough for the screen to lock, when they unlock it the app crashes and im a bit clueless as to why. Here is the error: here is the lazy adapter:package com.buhz.helpers;import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap;import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.O

  • Maulik Sheth
    android android-asynctask baseadapter
    I’m uing a custom base adapter to get title, link, description,pubdate, guid from rss feeds. i first implemented the application directly using simple array adapter and it worked fine. but on implementing it with custom base adapter i am having app stopped working error.this is my bean class RssItem.javapackage com.maulik.rss;public class RssItem {String _title; String _link; String _description; String _pubdate; String _guid;// constructor public RssItem(){}// constructor with parameters public

  • Viking
    android listview android-listview baseadapter endless
    Im trying to do something like endless adapter but not able to accomplish it and as a result my app is crashing. What i tried to do is that initially i wanted loaded 10items in listview and add foorterview at the end of listview.If user clicks on the footerview than 10 more item is loaded in the listview.But when i start that activity only footerview appears and after few seconds application crashes. I have posted the relevant code below:int questionsPerPage = 10; boolean loadingMore = false; Ar

  • groff07
    android exception adapter popupwindow baseadapter
    I’m trying to use a PopupWindow with an adapter but this exception occurs. I tried to search for something that solve this problem but I didn’t found anything.Here is the Exception07-18 10:58:27.600: D/dalvikvm(15218): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 56K, 3% free 6409K/6595K, paused 40ms 07-18 10:58:27.600: I/dalvikvm-heap(15218): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.804MB for 513744-byte allocation 07-18 10:58:27.669: D/dalvikvm(15218): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 8K, 3% free 6902K/7111K, paused 41ms 07-18 10:58:27.749: D/dal

  • Eric
    android eclipse listview twitter baseadapter
    I was doing a tutorial about a ListView that contains tweets. It worked but now it crashes every time. I checked my the code and its exactly the same as in the tutorial.public class MainActivity extends Activity {Button mBtnDownload;EditText mEtxtUsername;ProgressDialog mProgressDialog;TextView mTxtvUserNameTitle;TextView mTxtvUserName;TextView mTxtvUrlTitle;TextView mTxtvUrl;TextView mTxtvFavouritesCountTitle;TextView mTxtvFavouritesCount;TextView mTxtvDescriptionTitle;TextView mTxtvDescription

  • Garyjamjohnson
    android string class android-asynctask baseadapter
    This question is an exact duplicate of:BaseAdapter class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask – Android3 answersI have an asynctask that gathers comments, usernames, and numbers from a database by using a JSON method inside the doInBackground() method of the Asynctask. These arrays are then converted into strings in the onPostExecute() method. I want these strings to be sent to a class that extends BaseAdapter, how can I send the Strings to another class but still have the BaseAdapter run in the bac

  • Garyjamjohnson
    android string class android-asynctask baseadapter
    This question is an exact duplicate of:BaseAdapter class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask – Android3 answersI have an asynctask that gathers usernames, comments, and numbers and puts them into strings. These Strings are then suppose to be used for a BaseAdapter, but when the BaseAdapter is called it says the String variables are empty. Here is my current code,public class DashboardActivity extends ListActivity {String comments[];String usernames[];String numbers[];ListView lstComments;class Crea

  • kbu
    java android arraylist baseadapter
    Could anybody explain me, why i have java.lang.NullPointerException when i am trying setAdapter?When i trying set Adapter, my arraylist already filled. What i making wrong?Thx!activity_view_list.xml<LinearLayoutxmlns:android=””android:layout_width=”fill_parent”android:layout_height=”fill_parent”android:orientation=”vertical”><ListViewandroid:id=”@+id/lvView”android:layout_width=”fill_parent”android:layout_height=”fill_parent”android:layout_weigh

Originally posted 2013-11-26 18:04:23.