problem about angularjs-resource-Collection of common programming errors
angularjs angularjs-resource
I’m building my first Angular app, and I’ve run into a problem. I have an AngularJS resource whose .get I call with both a success and error callback, like so:var new_uptime = Uptime.get({}, function(){console.log(“new_uptime”, new_uptime, “$scope.uptime”, $scope.uptime);console.log(“new_uptime.uptime”, new_uptime.uptime);if ($scope.uptime && new_uptime.uptime < $scope.uptime.uptime) {console.log(“Reboot detected”);location.reload(true);}$scope.uptime = new_uptime;$timeout(reload_upti -
jquery angularjs web-api angularjs-resource
I have the following code in a section of jQuery Code:var scope = $(“html”).scope();var positionArray = [];for (var i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {positionArray.push(widgets[i].WidgetPositionSettings[0]);}scope.SaveWidgetPositions(201300, positionArray);Next, the following code is in my AngularJS controller:$scope.SaveWidgetPositions = function (clientId, positionData) {WidgetResource.SaveWidgetPositions(positionData); // *** this is the line where the error happens}Then, the AngularJS reso -
David Swindells
angularjs jsonp cors angular-resource angularjs-resource
I’d like to be able to setup resources using $resource using CORS to request my data. I’ve got CORS working with $http but the same techniques don’t apply to $resource and I was hoping someone can come to my rescue and show me how with $resource.I’ve modified the last step of the Angular tutorial to use CORS by hacking the phonecatServices service, in the services.js file. I found this example which uses the $http.defaults.useXDomain = true; delete $http.defaults.headers.common[‘X-Requested-With -
angularjs angularjs-resource angularjs-factory
I have a model, defined using $resource, that I am successfully loading. Each loaded instance is, as promised, an instance of the class I defined.(The example below is from the Angular docs. In it, User.get results in an object that is an instanceof User.)var User = $resource(‘/user/:userId’, {userId:’@id’});However, imagine each User comes over the wire like this:{“username”: “Bob”,”preferences”: [{“id”: 1,”title”: “foo”,”value”: false}] }I defined a Preference factory that adds valuable metho -
Dilip Kumar
angularjs angularjs-resource
I am using a service to return list of files. This service returns following.Success case: List of file object in json format as given below with HTTP code as 200[{“_id:”3453534″,”name”:”File 1″},{“_id:”5756753″,”name”:”File 2″}]Failure case: This returns error response with error message as HTTP error code 500.{errorMessage: “No files found for ptoject id 522b9358e4b0bab2f88a1f67”}I am using following “query” method invoke this service.//get the new value of files as per changed project idscope -
Matjaz Muhic
angularjs angularjs-directive promise angularjs-resource
I have an upload directive which creates a upload url from “” which is bound with:scope: { id: “=” }When my controller fetches data from server using angular resouce it takes some time and in that time my directive gets initialized and my id is undefined because there’s no task from server yet.I tried solving this by specifying “resolve” in my route config but unfortunately angular resouce does not provide any promise.Is there a nice and clean solution to this? -
javascript angularjs angularjs-resource angular-services
I’ve got a setup using a service to handle $resource that is as follows:Servicefactory(‘EventSlot’, [‘$resource’, function ($resource){return $resource(‘/api/events/:id/slots/:slotId’, {id: “@Id”, slotId: “@slotId”},{signup: {method: ‘PUT’}});}]);Calling FunctionEventSlot.signup({id: $, slotId: $}, $scope.signUpSlot);However, when the PUT call actually goes through it goes through to the endpoint: /api/events/123/slots/ where 123 is the appropriate @Id however @slotId
Originally posted 2013-12-02 01:32:18.