problem about algebra-Collection of common programming errors

  • Tom Maran
    python variables math algebra
    Ok, so I am trying to make a program that can find the time of a car when two cars are speeding away from each other at a certain speed, each with a different rate that is only given the rate using time=distance/rate. But I would need a express

  • worldsayshi
    haskell algebra type-families
    So I’m using Data.VectorSpace and I’m trying to extend on force-layout. Now I want to produce a polymorphic ‘1’-scalar. That is, a scalar that, if it were multiplied with a vector, would produce the same

  • Andrej
    r algebra
    So, the R expression and

  • nickjackolson
    lisp algebra maple derivative maxima
    I am willing to compute a Frechet/Gateaux derivative of a function which is not entirely explicit and my question is : What would be the most efficient way to do it ? Which language would you recommend me to use ?Precisely, my problem is that I have a function, say F, which is the square of the euclidean norm of the sum of products of pairs of multidimensional functions (i.e. from R^n to R^k).AFAIK, If I use Maple or Maxima, they will ask me

Originally posted 2013-11-10 00:15:23.