problem about achemso-Record and share programming errors

  • Joseph Wright
    cross-referencing equations achemso
    I have a manuscript in preparation with achemso class and package. I have equations in the equation environment, with \label and \ref used to automatically reference them in the text. This was working fine, along with labels in figures, schemes and tables, until yesterday when I updated the achemso, cleveref, hyperref packages. Now the references to figures, schemes and tables still works fine, but when I try to use it with my equations, I get ?? in the text no matter how many times I compile, even if I trash the aux files and start over.Here is what I think the relevant error message is from the log file/console output:LaTeX Warning: Reference `eq:structprop’ on page 1 undefined on input line 38. [1{/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] (./minimalexample.aux) LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references. and here is a minimal working example:\documentclass[journal=jacsat,manuscript=article,layout=traditional]{achemso}\setkeys{acs}{maxauthors=0} \usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} \title{title}\author{some guy}\email{[email protected]}\affiliation{some place}\begin{document} \section{Introduction} some introductory text \begin{equation}\label{eq:structprop}\delta_{g\to e^{\prime}}\propto\frac{M_{ge}^{2}M_{ee^{\prime}}^{2}}{(E_{ge}-\hbar\omega)^

  • lockstep
    cross-referencing cleveref achemso
    I’m trying to write a document with the achemso package, but my \ref are not working right. achemso links to a package called cleveref, then renames cleveref’s \cref into \ref, so any answers for cleveref should work here.Example one: \documentclass[journal=jacsat,layout=traditional]{achemso} \usepackage{achemso} %loaded last due to clerverRef\author{Canageek} \title{Title} \email{[email protected]} \affiliation[University]{University, Canada}\begin{document} \section{Introduction \label{intro}} blah blah blah

Originally posted 2013-09-26 03:20:00.