linux linking assembly with gcc gives many errors-Collection of common programming errors

I am trying to compile and link a simple “hello, world!” program with GCC. This program uses the “printf” C function. The problem that I am having is that the terminal throws back multiple errors. I am running Archlinux, compiling with NASM, linking with GCC. Here is my code:

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; helloworld.asm
; Compile: nasm -f elf32 helloworld.asm
; Link: gcc helloworld.o
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    message db "Hello, World",0
    global  main
    extern  printf

    section .text
    push    message
    call    printf
    add     esp, 4

The errors that I receive are as follows:

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.7.2/libgcc.a     when searching for -lgcc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Can someone tell me what is causing these errors and what I need to do to fix them?

Thanks in advance,


  1. For such things, you should first understand what exactly gcc is doing. So use

     gcc -v helloworld.o -o helloworld

    and what is happenning is that you have a 64 bits Linux and linking a 32 bits object in it. So try with

     gcc -m32 -v helloworld.o -o helloworld

    But I think that you should avoid coding assembly today (optimizing compilers do a better work than you can reasonably do). If you absolutely need a few assembly instructions, put some asm in your C code.

    BTW, you could compile with gcc -fverbose-asm -O -wall -S helloworld.c and look inside the generated helloworld.s; and you could also pass .s files to gcc

Originally posted 2013-11-09 23:31:51.