Kohana 404 custom page-Collection of common programming errors
here is how I do it with Kohana 3.2
- Add exceptions handling stuff in index.php
try { $request = $request->execute(); } catch(Kohana_HTTP_Exception_404 $e) { $request = Request::factory('errors/404')->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $request = Request::factory('errors/500')->execute(); } echo $request->send_headers()->body();
- Then write Errors controller
class Controller_Errors extends Controller { public function __construct($request, $response) { parent::__construct($request, $response); } public function action_404() { $this->response->body(View::factory('errors/404')); } public function action_500() { $this->response->body(View::factory('errors/500')); } }
Create 2 corresponding error pages (404.php and 500.php in views/errors)
Add new route to your bootstrap.php or use default one (depends on you project’s structure), just make sure Controller_Errors can be reached when exception is thrown
- Now every time you throws the exception in your controller, it will display the custom error page, like this
throw new HTTP_Exception_404;
Originally posted 2013-11-27 12:00:40.