js Conflict in admin panel – I guess it's from the core WP installation-Collection of common programming errors


Well, it’s a nice journey for me with kaiser, s1lv3r and Rarst through the debugging.

First of all, I tried this thread with s1lv3r’s suggestion:

  • Cleared Cache
  • Cleared Cookies and all the offline data
  • Used Chrome’s incognito window

But after all the necessary measurements I found two errors still resided (not in the front-end, but in the wp-admin end); used Developer Tools in Google Chrome — “Resources” tab (+ Console then) after kaiser’s suggestion:

  • Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL on load-scripts.php in line 3
  • Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token var on load-scripts.php in line 10

First day discussion was ended with no solution. At second day, we get back to the same state. That time met with Rarst. And with a nice suggestion from Rarst, I added script_debug to wp_config.php:

define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );

And I got access to the problematic zones where I couldn’t get enter. But Rarst reminded me:

it’s not really “fixed”, it’s just that dev version of scripts and disabled concat works. hard to say, concat is messy and needs a lot of debug to understand what is going wrong

Then I googled and found this thread helpful understanding the SCRIPT_DEBUG. In summary, as caseyctg said:

…by adding this to your wp-config file, you are essentially just using the un-minified versions of javascripts and css. So it seems to me, the core of the problem is in fact within the css and javascript. BUT, if you add that line of code to your config file, you’ve just added extra file size to your scripts and css. …

SEE Codex for more information on SCRIPT_DEBUG »

PROBABLE SOLUTION – we are heading to…

And for an easy solution we (the office staffs) came to a solution:
We are going to install them a new WordPress with a new theme with a new hustle-free plugin-sets to their main domain: http://example.com. For our theme the old data-storing process won’t work, as we designed our WP Newspaper Framework with different methodology. So at the end we will reside the old database in peace with a sub domain like: http://archive.example.com with a link into the new site’s Archive template’s sidebar. We hope it won’t bother the readers.

Originally posted 2013-11-23 09:51:19.