Javascript Prototypal Inheritance Doubt II-Collection of common programming errors

I know it’s already been answered but, there’s a better way to do inheritance. Calling a constructor just for the purpose of inheritance is not desirable. One of the undesired effects is.

function Base() {this.a = "A"}
function Child() {this.b = "B"};

Child.prototype = new Base();

Now You’ve added property “a” to the prototype of Child that you didn’t intend to.

Here’s the right way (I didn’t invent this, Ext-JS and other libs use this)

// This is used to avoid calling a base class's constructor just to setup inheritance.
function SurrogateCtor() {}

 * Sets a contructor to inherit from another constructor
function extend(BaseCtor, DerivedCtor) {
  // Copy the prototype to the surrogate constructor
  SurrogateCtor.prototype = BaseCtor.prototype;
  // this sets up the inheritance chain
  DerivedCtor.prototype = new SurrogateCtor();
  // Fix the constructor property, otherwise it would point to the BaseCtor
  DerivedCtor.prototype.constructor = DerivedCtor;
  // Might as well add a property to the constructor to 
  // allow for simpler calling of base class's method
  DerivedCtor.superclass = BaseCtor;

function Base() {
  this.a = "A";

Base.prototype.getA = function() {return this.a}

function Derived() {;  // No need to reference the base class by name
  this.b = "B";

extend(Base, Derived);
// Have to set methods on the prototype after the call to extend
// otherwise the prototype is overridden;
Derived.prototype.getB = function(){return this.b};
var obj = new Derived();

An even easier way is to add a third parameter to extend where you specify the method of the derived class so that you don’t have to call extend and then add methods to the prototype

extend(BaseCtor, DerivedCtor, {
  getB: function() {return this.b}

Then there are many other things you could do for syntactic sugar.

Blogged about it:

Originally posted 2013-11-09 22:53:28.