Google Search results not showing up-Collection of common programming errors

Two Three things you need to look at (one related, one two unrelated) from the FireFox error console

(javascript) Error: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression:

Unrelated but still worth correcting:

Warning: Unexpected end of file while searching for selector. Source File: Line: 0

… and:

(parsing) Error: The stylesheet was not loaded because its MIME type, “text/html”, is not “text/css”. Source File: Line: 0

Also, is there a good reason you are including jQuery and related Javascript file references in the body of your HTML document?

Update: A problem on your homepage here:

  $('#breaking-news ul').newsticker();

You should wrap all jQuery calls in $(document).ready(function() { /* code */ }); to ensure the DOM is ready before you change things – otherwise you’ll hit a Javascript error which may prevent other scripts from running if jQuery hasn’t had a chance to initialize the $ variable.

I would wager that this is what is happening with Google Custom Search – a problem with one of your other scripts is breaking script execution before the search script can run.

You should debug your site to correct these problems – FireBug may help with this task.

Originally posted 2013-11-23 09:50:20.