Getting Knockout Binding to work with Appframework-Collection of common programming errors

I am developing an appframework based mobile application using knockout js for data binding.

I keep getting the following error message on my browser console :

 Uncaught Error: Unable to parse bindings.
Message: ReferenceError: technology_name is not defined;
Bindings value: text: technology_name, click: $parent.loadSubSection 

I can verify that the data is loaded but the knockout binding doesn’t seem to work properly. Could anyone please help me out ?. My code is like follows :




    Our Workplace








        function loadedPanel(what) {
            //We are going to set the badge as the number of li elements inside the target
            $.ui.updateBadge("#aflink", $("#af").find("li").length);

        function unloadedPanel(what) {
            console.log("unloaded " +;

        if (!((window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) || 'ontouchstart' in window)) {
            var script = document.createElement("script");
            script.src = "libs/appframework/plugins/af.desktopBrowsers.js";
            var tag = $("head").append(script);




        /* This function runs once the page is loaded, but appMobi is not yet active */
        var search ="?", "");

        if (search) //Android fix has too many buggy issues on iOS - can't preview with $

            $.os.useOSThemes = true;
            if (search == "win8")
                $ = true;
            $.ui.ready(function () {
                $("#afui").get(0).className = search;

        var webRoot = "./";
        // $;
        $.ui.autoLaunch = false;
        $.ui.openLinksNewTab = false;

        $(document).ready(function () {


        /* This code is used to run as soon as appMobi activates */
        var onDeviceReady = function () {
            webRoot = AppMobi.webRoot + "";
            //hide splash screen
            $.ui.blockPageScroll(); //block the page from scrolling at the header/footer

        document.addEventListener("appMobi.device.ready", onDeviceReady, false);

        function showHide(obj, objToHide) {
            var el = $("#" + objToHide)[0];

            if (obj.className == "expanded") {
                obj.className = "collapsed";
            } else {
                obj.className = "expanded";


        if ($ || $ || search == "android") {
            $.ui.ready(function () {
                $("#main .list").append("
  • Toggle Theme Color
  • ");
                    var $el = $("#afui");
                    $("#toggleAndroidTheme").bind("click", function (e) {
                        if ($el.hasClass("light"))
            .samplecode {
                background: #ccc;
                color: #000;
                border-radius: 10px;
                padding: 10px;
                margin-bottom: 10px;
                margin-top: 10px;
            /* for the grid demo */
            .grid > div {
                border: 1px dashed black;
            console.log("Resolved JQEURY Conflicts...");
                         App Framework

    Starting app

                Our WorkPlace

    Loading Data...

    Technology Inner

      Technology.js Javascript file

          /** The technology related view model*/
       //console.log("Self Initialised the page...");
      var viewModel = new TechnologyViewModel();  ;
          jQuery(document).on("pageinit", function () {
              console.log("Bound technology View Model...");
       //Technology View Model
       function TechnologyViewModel(){
          self = this;
           /*Functon Loading the Technology Subsection By Id*/
           self.loadSubSection = function(technologyItem) {
                  var subSectionid = parseInt(technologyItem.technology_item_id);     
                  switch (subSectionid)
                     case 1:  
                     localStorage.setItem('technology_object', JSON.stringify(technologyItem));
                    // $.mobile.changePage("working_wirelessly.html",{transition: 'slide'});
                     case 2:  
                     localStorage.setItem('technology_object', JSON.stringify(technologyItem));         
                    // $.mobile.changePage("printer_setup.html",{transition: 'slide'});
                     case 3:
                     localStorage.setItem('technology_object', JSON.stringify(technologyItem));
                    // $.mobile.changePage("mobile_hotspot.html",{transition: 'slide'});
                     case 4:
                     localStorage.setItem('technology_object', JSON.stringify(technologyItem));
                     //$.mobile.changePage("blackberry_z10.html",{transition: 'slide'});
                    case 5:
                     localStorage.setItem('technology_object', JSON.stringify(technologyItem));
                     //$.mobile.changePage("desk_phone.html",{transition: 'slide'});
          Function For Fetching all the 'Technology' Specific data    
          self.fetchScreenData = ko.computed(function(){
              console.log("Getting Technology Screen Data From File");
                      type: "GET",            
                      url: "data/Appdata.json", 
                      contentType: "application/json",
                      success: function (result) {
                          console.log("SUCCESS: ");
                              Parsing Raw data to JSON
                              var data = JSON.parse(result);
                               Map only  the [app basic] and the [technology]
                               array content to the screen
                              var mapping = { 'observe': ["app_basic","technology"] };                    
                               Function fetching the Technology Screen Header
                              self.getTechScreenHeader =  ko.dependentObservable(function() {
                                   return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.app_basic(), function(appScreen) {
                                           return appScreen.app_screen_id == 3;
                              }, self);   
                      error: function (result) {
                          alert("error loading app json data");
              console.log("GOT Technology Screen Data From File");

      Also I am using the following JSON file to load the json data and map them automagically using the knockout-mapping plugin.

        "technology" : [
               "technology_description" : "Bla"
               "technology_item_id" : "1",
               "technology_name" : "bla bla",
               "technology_subject" : "bla bla",
               "technology_video_desc" : "null",
               "technology_video_link" : "null",
               "technology_video_thumbnail" : "null"
               "technology_description" : "Bla"
               "technology_item_id" : "2",
               "technology_name" : "bla bla",
               "technology_subject" : "bla bla",
               "technology_video_desc" : "null",
               "technology_video_link" : "null",
               "technology_video_thumbnail" : "null"
               "technology_description" : "Bla"
               "technology_item_id" : "3",
               "technology_name" : "bla bla",
               "technology_subject" : "bla bla",
               "technology_video_desc" : "null",
               "technology_video_link" : "null",
               "technology_video_thumbnail" : "null"

      I am just using the standard index.html configuration found on the appframework itself for importing the headers.

      Originally posted 2013-12-05 09:42:16.