Executing jQuery script from code-behind throws Exception-Collection of common programming errors

I have a problem with the following code block:

    Dim scriptHere As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl = control.Page.FindControl("scriptHere")
            Dim controlID As String = ""
            Dim disabled As String = IIf(isDisabled, "true", "false")
            If TypeOf (control) Is ASPxEditBase Then
                controlID = control.ID
            End If
                control.ReadOnly = isDisabled

                Dim script As String = ""

                script &= "" & vbCrLf

                script &= "//  " & vbCrLf

                script &= "" & vbCrLf

                scriptHere.InnerHtml &= script
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try

The problem is, that it throws me an Exception. To be more precise it just says “Undefined” and nothing else. I figured that the problem lies within this line:

script &= "$('#').attr('disabled', " + disabled + ");" & vbCrLf

Furthermore, with this being a jQuery command i can assume that the Exception is caused by the “$”.

Extra Info:

  1. I have the required jQuery library linked.
  2. I have tried adding the jQuery(document).ready(function () {/.../});
  3. I have tried executing the same script using ScriptManager.
  4. I have tried calling this sub on page_load instead of an earlier phase of page rendering
  5. I have also tried linking the jQuery library within this script block.

That’s all for now. Thanks in advance.

  1. Ok, see if this would work –

    script &= "$('#" + controlID.ClientID + "').attr('disabled', " + disabled + ");" & vbCrLf

    It looks like the inline VB isn’t pulling out the correct client id, but you’ve already got it server-side, so you should be able to build the entire script string up in one go.

Originally posted 2013-12-05 16:32:13.