Error “Image step is wrong” in opencv with eclipse-Collection of common programming errors
I am running the example “Face Recognition in Videos with OpenCV” . When i run the example i get the error
OpenCV Error: Image step is wrong
I am having the similar problem as mentioned in this post except my images are .pgm Getting OpenCV Error “Image step is wrong” in Fisherfaces.train() method which leads me to OpenCV 2.0 C++ API using imshow: returns unhandled exception and “bad-flag” page,which mentions some changes in the linker settings for Visual c++ as: replace the usual ” cv210.lib cxcore210.lib highgui210.lib” by ” cv210d.lib cxcore210d.lib highgui210d.lib” . I am wondering if someone could tell me about linker settings for eclipse. i am using eclipse indigo with opencv 2.4.1 on ubuntu machine.
Originally posted 2013-12-02 01:40:45.