Ember Handlebars template does not work after it initially loads-Collection of common programming errors

I recently went from ember rc8 to 1.0.0 and to ember-data beta-2. When I did this, there were several error messages but this one I cannot figure out:

Uncaught Error: Cannot perform operations on a Metamorph that is not in the DOM.

I am currently in the process of getting into a jsbin to debug but in the meantime I created this album to demonstrate what is going on : Album

Here is the Route when the error is displayed:

App.BadgeBasicRoute = Ember.Route.extend({  
model: function(params) {
       return this.modelFor('badge');

and its parent route:

App.BadgeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({

   model: function(params) {
      return this.store.find('badge',params.badge_id); 
   afterModel: function(params) {
      return this.transitionTo('badge.basic', params)


and here are the templates:



Basic Info


Tag Line

                 {{! test comment }}
                 {{#view App.EditTagLineView}}

{{#if isEditingTagLine}} {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="short_description" class="form-control" style="padding-top:10px"}} Save {{else}} {{#if short_description}} {{short_description}} {{else}} No tag line provided {{/if}} {{/if}}


                 {{#view App.EditDescriptionView}}

{{#if isEditingDescription}} {{view Ember.TextArea valueBinding="full_description" class="form-control" rows="6"}} Save More on Markdown {{else}} {{#if full_description}} {{markdown full_description}} {{else}} no description provided {{/if}} {{/if}}



             {{#if mentor}}
                 {{log mentor}}
{{#if mentor.phone}} P: {{mentor.phone}}
{{else}} no phone number provided
{{/if}} {{#if mentor.email}} E: {{mentor.email}} {{else}} no email number provided
{{/if}} {{/if}}



    {{#each badge in badges}} {{#link-to “badge” badge tagName=”li”}}




    {{/link-to}} {{else}}

    No Badges in {{label}}




    {{#each category in model}} {{#if category.parent}} {{else}}

    {{#if category.children}} {{#each child in category.children}} {{#link-to ‘category’ child tagName=”li”}} {{child.label}} {{/link-to}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/each}}


Let me know if you need any other information. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. I ended up rebuilding the badgeBasic.hbs file and it turns out there were unmatched html tags. I do not know why this fixed it but it did.

  2. I've run into this a time or two in the past and it's almost always been due to wrapping some handlebars directive in regular html comments. Something like:


Originally posted 2013-11-23 09:50:10.