Calling Parent's Constructor In JavaScript OOP-Collection of common programming errors
I have created two objects:
Cat extends Mammal. Both objects have constructor which takes one parameter called config. I am trying to overwrite Mammals constructor in Cat’s constructor but I am getting strange results:
function Mammal(config) {
this.config = config;
function Cat(config) {
// call parent constructor, config);
Cat.prototype = new Mammal();
var felix = new Cat({
"name": "Felix"
This prints in the console:
Object {name: "Felix"}
Why is the parent constructor called twice? And why, when it’s called the first time, this.config is undefined? I am assigning the property. Could you help me fix this code?
It’s called twice because you call it with
Cat.prototype = new Mammal()
. You’re creating the prototype by copying from an instance ofMammal
, rather than from the “prototypical”Mammal
.The correct line would be:
Cat.prototype = Object.create(Mammal.prototype);
Originally posted 2013-11-10 00:09:25.