Select2 Dropdown Dynamically Add, Remove and Refresh Items from-open source projects select2/select2

This drives me crazy! Why cant Select2 implement clear methods or examples on their page how to do simple CRUD manipulation on Select2 🙂

i have a select2 which gets data from a ajax call.

             data: conferences,
             allowClear: true,
             initSelection: function (element, callback) {
                            var data = { id: element.val(), text: element.val() };
}).on("change", function (e) {
 // show data in separate div when item is selected               

Can some one provide a clear method how to delete and add an item from the Select2.

For example:

I add an item via ajax call to db, and just want to append an option to Select2 and set it as selected.

I remove an item via ajax to db, and want to remove an option from Select2 and have no option selected.