IE-8 crashes when exploited using metasploit framework-open source projects rapid7/metasploit-framework
The target machine is Windows-7 and target application is IE8. I am using exploits such as ms12-063, ms13-038 for which ‘IE8, W7 target’ is compatible.
But every time I connect to server created by metasploit using any of the above exploits, IE-8 just crashes while showing the typical dialog-box ‘Internet Explorer has stopped working …’. Meterpreter session never starts. IE-8 crashes while loading the HTML files from the server. The payload I am using is windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp. What could be the problem?
I don’t if this is necessary: both systems, the target (W7) and attacker(Linux-mint), are guest systems. Host machine is windows-8. I am using virtualbox to run host systems.
Please help. Thank you.