Why does VirtualBox crash when I finish the install of BackTrack?-Collection of common programming errors

Instead using BackTrack Linux, that is based on Ubuntu 11.04 (dates back to the 2011), you could be using Kali Linux that includes all the latest updates of all the tools, fixes several updates problems, and is in general a more usable Distribution than BackTrack. This is also recommended by the same guys that developed BackTrack:

From the creators of BackTrack comes Kali Linux, the most advanced and versatile penetration testing distribution ever created. BackTrack has grown far beyond its humble roots as a live CD and has now become a full-fledged operating system.

“So, what’s the difference between BackTrack and Kali?” you might be asking. Unfortunately for us, that’s not a simple question to answer. It’s a mix between “everything” and “not much”, depending on how you used BackTrack.

Our new streamlined repositories synchronize with the Debian repositories 4 times a day, constantly providing you with the latest package updates and security fixes available.

Many of the tools in our toolbox need to be “bleeding edge”. This means we have take on the task of packaging and maintaining upstream versions of many tools, so that our users are constantly kept up to date where it matters.