MySQL JOIN returns unexpected values-Collection of common programming errors

I’m trying to do a simple mysql request and I’m having problems.

I have 2 tables defined like below:

currency_id | currency_name | currency_symbol | currency_active | currency_auto_update

exchange_rate_id | currency_id | exchange_rate_date | exchange_rate_value | exchange_rate_added_date

What I want to do is to select the last row inside exchange_rates for the active currency.

I did it like this:

SELECT c.currency_id, c.currency_name, c.currency_symbol, c.currency_active, er.exchange_rate_id, er.exchange_rate_date, er.exchange_rate_value
FROM currencies c
    SELECT er1.exchange_rate_id, er1.currency_id, er1.exchange_rate_date, er1.exchange_rate_value
    FROM exchange_rates er1
    ORDER BY er1.exchange_rate_date DESC
    LIMIT 1
    ) AS er
ON er.currency_id=c.currency_id
WHERE c.currency_active='1'

This is returning me NULL values from the exchange_rates table, even if there are matching rows

I’ve tried to remove LIMIT 1 but if I do it like this is returning me all the rows for active currency, which is not the solution I want

How should this query look like?
