Salesforce & Javascript / Ajax – Trying to use a parameters-Collection of common programming errors

Following this post :

Define Apex controller in javascript home component

I tried to improved it, because the limit of Salesforce for an SOQL request is 50k records.

The Code_Postal__c object can have more than 50k of records.

I saw that we can parse item in javascript (i’m pretty bad with this language). The idea is to make a dynamic call of my controller when the user will start typing the postal code ( id of the field = #acc18zip ). But i got an error with my item list, so i came back to use my string but it didn’t work. When i tried to find the error with the chrome console or firebug i saw this error into my console :

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input 

and when i start typing a postal code:

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. 

My updated controller is this one :

global class cpSearch2{ 
    webService static String searchCP() {
        String pickValues='';
        for(Code_Postal__c cp : [Select Commune__c, Code_Postal__c from Code_Postal__c ]){
               pickValues = pickValues +cp.Code_Postal__c+ ' - ' + cp.Commune__c+'+';
        return pickValues;

    webService static string searchCP2(string searchTerm) {
        String pickValues='';
        for(Code_Postal__c cp : [Select Commune__c, Code_Postal__c from Code_Postal__c where Code_Postal__c LIKE :searchTerm]){
                pickValues = pickValues +cp.Code_Postal__c+ ' - ' + cp.Commune__c+'+';
        return pickValues;

    Function with list of object
    webService static list searchCP2(string searchTerm) {
        list matchingCP = new list();
        for(Code_Postal__c cp : [Select Commune__c, Code_Postal__c from Code_Postal__c where Code_Postal__c LIKE :searchTerm]){
        return matchingCP;

and the updated javascript is :

var url = document.URL;
        var sid = document.cookie.match(' sid=([^;]*)')[1];        
        sforce.connection.sessionId = sid;        ;
        var stages;
        var cpObjects;
        var queryTerm;
        $ = jQuery.noConflict();       
                $( "#acc18zip" ).autocomplete({
                       source:function( request, response ) {
                        queryTerm = request.term;
                        stages = sforce.apex.execute("cpSearch2", "searchCP2", {queryTerm,function(result, event)});
                        if(event.type == 'exception') {
                        } else {
                            cpObjects = stages.toString().split("+");
                        focus: function( event, ui ) {
                            return false;
                       select: function( event, ui ) {
                       selectedArray = ui.item.split(" - ");
                       return false;

Trying to follow this :
