javascript,jquery,ajax,salesforce,ajaxcontroltoolkitRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
javascript iphone ipad orientation
I’m having the same problem that a couple of others have had with getting the correct behavior in a web app on an orientation change, and there doesn’t seem to be an obvious solution – I’ve seen this question asked a couple of times on Stack Overflow and no one’s yet been able to answer it.When I start the app in portrait mode, it works fine. Then I rotate into landscape and it’s scaled up. To get it to scale correctly for the landscape mode I have to double tap on something twice, first to zoo
Ulker Ibrahimova
javascript jquery file-get-contents
This question already has an answer here:Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy11 answersIs there any way to get full page source of snother different site? Example my site is but i want to get facebook’s page source on I tired this one: And it gives me null. So anyone knows it?function file_get_contents (url, flags, context, offset, maxLen) {// Read the entire file into a string//// version: 906.111// discuss at: http://
php javascript apache nosql couchdb
I’ve recently successfully installed CouchDB version 1.2.1 and as a test I can access it using the following Apache rewrite in CentOS 6:RewriteRule couchdb/(.*)$$1 [QSA,P]I have a PHP authentication class that I use across a home grown API to support my mobile apps. My API accepts and authenticates each request using an HMAC signature that is included in the URL like so:[timestamp]&signature=[signature]&id=[id]…etcEach
java javascript android cordova webview
I am trying to get my cordova webview to work with cordova 3.2 an use the phonegap Camera API to access the camera.Reference: Android WebViewsHere are some successful implementations of what I want to do, but these use Phonegap 1.9, i want to use Phonegap 3.2 (the latest one)Cordova WebView using AndroidAlso here’s a VideoWith the code below I am able to make the cordova webview display my index.html page without any issues but when I to access the camera by clicking on “Capture Photo” in my HTM
java javascript ajax json jsp
I am sorry to ask this but i’ve been working on this for hours and I can’t figure it out on my own. I have to use json for part of a project and I was able to get it to work but now it’s not returning it back to the right jsp but instead just displaying the json jsp. I am pretty sure it is how I am receiving the are screen shots of what is happening:this is the jsp that I need to use ajax on, I am wanting to populate the second dropdown using ajax:this is what is happening instead, (it
Andrew Whitaker
javascript regex
I am trying to build a regexp from static text plus a variable in javascript. Obviously I am missing something very basic, see comments in code below. Help is very much appreciated:var test_string = “goodweather”;// One regexp we just set: var regexp1 = /goodweather/;// The other regexp we built from a variable + static text: var regexp_part = “good”; var regexp2 = “\/” + regexp_part + “weather\/”;// These alerts now show the 2 regexp are completely identical: alert (regexp1); alert (regexp2);/
javascript regex
I am searching for text inside of website resources (html and javascript), and need to identify 3 regular expressions that will locate this text under certain circumstances:some string of text when it is contained inside of a javascript single-quoted string some string of text when it is contained inside of a javascript double-quoted string some string of text when it is not contained inside of a javascript stringHere are some scenarios that are likely to occur (searching for the string “somestr
Andy E
javascript html
I’m building up a row to insert in a table using jQuery by creating a html string, i.e.var row = “”; row += “<tr>”; row += “<td>Name</td>”; row += “<td><input value='””‘/></td>”; row += “</tr>”; is a string returned from an ajax call which could contain any characters. If it contains a single quote, ‘, it will break the HTML by defining the end of the attribute value. How can I ensure that the string is rendered correctly in the brow
javascript angularjs maven yeoman
I have recently integrated maven yeoman plugin with my app. I followed My angular version is v1.2.3 . When I run the mvn clean install command, I get the following error . [email protected] node_modules\grunt-contrib-imagemin Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected]) Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] ([email protected]) Gö£GöÇGöÇ [email protected] ([email protected]) Gö£GöÇGöÇ p
Ronald Yeung
javascript jquery ajax json cors
What I am trying to do is to have a page on the HTTP protocol sending an AJAX call to the same Web server but using HTTPS. Both the requesting page and the AJAX handler are on the same server, having the same domain and port. (I.e., only difference is the protocol.) To illustrate,From a jQuery AJAX call to am hoping to pass the password through HTTPS to make it encrypted over the Internet.
Ulker Ibrahimova
javascript jquery file-get-contents
This question already has an answer here:Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy11 answersIs there any way to get full page source of snother different site? Example my site is but i want to get facebook’s page source on I tired this one: And it gives me null. So anyone knows it?function file_get_contents (url, flags, context, offset, maxLen) {// Read the entire file into a string//// version: 906.111// discuss at: http://
Mitesh Vora
jquery html css ellipsis
I tried looking here Insert ellipsis (…) into HTML tag if content too wide but could not get in chrome to work. I there solution for multiline in all browsers??
Ronald Yeung
javascript jquery ajax json cors
What I am trying to do is to have a page on the HTTP protocol sending an AJAX call to the same Web server but using HTTPS. Both the requesting page and the AJAX handler are on the same server, having the same domain and port. (I.e., only difference is the protocol.) To illustrate,From a jQuery AJAX call to am hoping to pass the password through HTTPS to make it encrypted over the Internet.
jquery spring twitter-bootstrap spring-mvc thymeleaf
I have following code : public class StudentController extends BaseController {@RequestMapping(value = “/student/edit”, method = RequestMethod.POST)public String submitForm(@Valid @ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_STUDENT) StudentDTO edited,BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes attributes) {if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {return STUDENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW;}//some logic…}@InitBinder public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“MM/dd/yyyy”
jquery css
Click “Rate” – that should pop up a normal boxy dialog, but styles aren’t working. Any ideas?Here’s the working example on the site: official boxy docs: { position: absolute; } .boxy-wrapper.fixed { position: fixed; }/* Modal */.boxy-modal-blackout { position: absolute; background-color: black; left: 0; top: 0; }/* Border */.boxy-wrapper { empty-cells: show; }.boxy-wrapper .top-left,.boxy-wrapper
Liam Bailey
javascript jquery history.js
On this page: we have the filters down the left hand side, we are having a problem with the link filters under Verfijn uw wensen, if you watch the console you can see it is firing 2 requests, the first one is what the content is loading in from, when it is the second we actually need.This is the click binded event:jQuery(“.codenegar_product_filter_wrap ul li a”).live(“click”, function(e){e.preventDefault();var $this = jQuery(this);if($this.attr(“data-key”) =
codeigniter jquery
I wanted to ask, why does the response from a ajax request using the native ajax not post or get return my entire page? is there anything I should know? I have looked at the documentation on and nothing is mentioned of something like that unless i’m looking else where. Can I get any help on why that keeps happening?This is the function that handles the validation of the form in question.joefunction showsupport() {$this->form_validation->set_rules(‘supportername’,’Your Name’,’tri
jquery jquery-ui accordion sortable
This is my first time posting so please let me know if I fail to provide enough details. I have a page that contains multiple accordions. I wanted to use multiple accordions because I wanted users to be able to have multiple sections open at once which is not native to accordion. I also want users to be able to sort those accordions. The way the page is currently set up, users can sort the accordion with no problems. When the user goes to sort the accordions, I have a script that will close all
jquery android webview sencha-touch
Is there a better webview for android? Google’s own documents mention not to rely on the webview object.But for using webkit it seems strange that it is so limited, compared to other webkit browsers used on mobile devices with comparable hardware.This is evident in jquery mobile implementations, or similarly sencha touch implementations for web apps. The Android version suffers slowdowns, rendering issues, and a poor user experience, where other mobile devices – like an iphone – will run it fine
jquery xml
How would I go about parsing XML cross-domain? Could someone provide an example? The example doesn’t have to be restricted to only jQuery, as JavaScript will also suffice.
java javascript ajax json jsp
I am sorry to ask this but i’ve been working on this for hours and I can’t figure it out on my own. I have to use json for part of a project and I was able to get it to work but now it’s not returning it back to the right jsp but instead just displaying the json jsp. I am pretty sure it is how I am receiving the are screen shots of what is happening:this is the jsp that I need to use ajax on, I am wanting to populate the second dropdown using ajax:this is what is happening instead, (it
John Smith
ajax jsf jsf-2 primefaces radio-button
When I try this code after loading the index.xhtml page which is my welcome page(and which have page strana1.xhtml initialy included as content of p:outputPanel “sadrzaj”) and clicking on button “Napred”(means Forward) everything works fine and I got the ajax update of p:outputPanel id=”sadrzaj”(page strana2.xhtml loads and replace page strana1.xhtml inside of index.xhtml page, under p:outputPanel “sadrzaj”). But after that any change of radioButtons(which are part of page strana2.xhtml) doesn’t
Ronald Yeung
javascript jquery ajax json cors
What I am trying to do is to have a page on the HTTP protocol sending an AJAX call to the same Web server but using HTTPS. Both the requesting page and the AJAX handler are on the same server, having the same domain and port. (I.e., only difference is the protocol.) To illustrate,From a jQuery AJAX call to am hoping to pass the password through HTTPS to make it encrypted over the Internet.
javascript ajax ssl internet-explorer-8
The problem: I have a site with a recently installed SSL certificate that is very dependent on POST calls over AJAX. The site worked fine on Internet Explorer 8 before the SSL certificate, but now does not.Since I haven’t been able to get a good way to read any error messages, I haven’t been able to pin down where the bug is coming from. I will try to list as much as I know/ have figured out, and I greatly appreciate any suggestions.What I know:On IE8, the site will not perform any AJAX POST cal
Samuli Kauranne
ajax validation jquery-validation-engine
First, my apologies for a lengthy post on a topic which has been asked before, but I found the solutions suggested in earlier threads either outdated or not applicable to my problem.The topic pretty much outlines the core problem. I’m validating forms using the jQuery validation plugin (currently v.1.12) but I have a repeating validation situation which requires server-side verification against current session variables (sending the data to client side is out of question for security reasons) an
c# javascript .net ajax sencha-touch
This is kind of a 2 part question:1) What is the better approach, letting .NET convert native objects into JSON, or using wrappers and encoding them myself (e.g. public string DataTableToJSON(DataTable))2) If the answer to the first question is the former approach, how best to pass error conditions to the client (JavaScript AJAX requests, generally with jQuery or in this specific case, Sencha Touch (Ext))? My current method (explained further down in this question) seems to work fairly well, but
c# ajax signalr
I have an ASP.NET MVC3 application.If my application had a large number of users – let’s say 100,000 – hypothetically, if all users were talking to each other and I used SignalR, would there be 100,000 long polling connections? Would these cause some sort of denial of service? Should I be using AJAX HTTP instead? Or would SignalR be smart enough to release the connection to resource pool when no activity is found for certain period of time? When would using signalR for chat be recommended for ch
java ajax xml
This is probably a common question but I can’t figure it out. I have this URL which returns the expected ticket detail if I plug it into a browser, so I know it is working:
php jquery ajax pagination
Below is a working pagination script that displays content from a MySQL database. I need to have the pages seamlessly load within the container “#content” rather than have the entire page refreshed. I search extensively for hours but none of the tutorials I encountered helped me implement Ajax/JQuery on this script. Here is the code I use to display my articles + pagination.<div id=”content”> <?php include(‘db.php’);$stmt = $db->query(‘SELECT * FROM db’); $numrows = $stmt->rowCoun
ajax extjs combobox extjs4.1
I am trying to get ExtJS combobox to return value instead of display value.Here’s my problem. I am using ajax to get the data for the combobox field, and in the same time using getForm().load to load the selected values for the combobox. In the model I’ve return a display value and code value. Display value is assigned to ‘name’ and code value is assigned to ‘hiddenName’. When I submit the data, the display value is being submitted not the code value from ‘hiddenName’ field.After changing th
java websphere axis2 salesforce ssl-certificate
I am trying to integrate with sales force. I have a sample runnning on weblogic but fails on WAS(tried only on WAS 8). This is the error I get. It says that i have a certificate that is not trusted. Can I disable the certificate chack? I dont even know why this certificate is being used. The stack is very long(overflowing :)) sry about that.[1/20/12 17:31:17:505 IST] 0000002a SystemErr R org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: PKIX path building
Brian Kessler
java web-services soap jaxb salesforce
I was on one Java/Salesforce tutorial but I couldn’t get it to work as is because SoapBindingStub seems to be obsolete code based upon depreciated libraries. So I tried to mesh the code with code from JAX-WS Quick Start, but this didn’t quite work either. No matter what I did, ultimately the sample console application would suffer exceptions, complaining “Web Service Exception creating salesface port.: Unable to create JAXBContext due to the security restriction on class
java web-services soap salesforce
I am trying to connect to Salesforce from a java class (on my local machine). I have used the WSC-22.jar (webservice connector) and used the same as the library in eclipse. I have also parsed the enterprise wsdl to a jar and uploaded the library in the eclipse. I am running the below java class which is error out.package wsc;import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.Connector; import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.DeleteResult; import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.EnterpriseConnection; import com.sforce.soap.e
ios oauth salesforce
I have created a new ‘Connected App’ in SalesForce. When I create new iOS app from the Native REST App Template and input my Consumer Key and CallBack URL everything works fine and it allows me to log in and start using the features of the SFRest API.However I am trying to create a new tab bar application, I have to manually add in some of the frameworks and folders as suggested by the ‘SalesForce Touch Platform Mobile Development Guide’ as well as the post here: http://stackoverflow.c
salesforce email-validation
I’m trying to store email addresses in from another service that allows invalid email addresses to be specified. If one of those bad invalid email addresses is sent to via their Web Services API, will prevent the record from saving with an INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS error code.I can’t find any documentation on how to disable validation on Email fields, so it looks like I’ll need to validate them in my integration and pull out those that fail. Does anyone k
triggers salesforce apex-code
Long story short, I need to update a custom field in my standard Contact, that fires after a different, unrelated Custom Object is updated. I’ve tried to write a trigger that passes the field value from my Custom Object to the Contact, but I keep getting a variety of errors – the most recent of which has stumped me. The end goal is to update Passing__c from Passing_Field__c.I’m getting an unexpected Token: “(” error on the for(Contact C: line. It is literally so simple I cannot figure it out. He
php api soap salesforce
Let me set the scene:I’m a PHP developer that needs to take info from a web form and send it into a clients Salesforce. At first I though it was as simple as using Web2Lead. However the client has a Salesforce developer in house.The in house developer has sent me partner.wsdl and CatalystWebservice.wsdl files along with login details to their sandbox to run all this on. The in house developer has basically said I need to use the SOAP API of Salesforce and once connected and logged in I need to c
We’ve set up this process to help prioritize our cases. To do this, I want to trigger off a new case record after it comes in through email-to-case. Then query to see if it’s related to an account. If it is, I want to return a value, cScore. Then insert.This is what I have so far, it’s returning this error:Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct yourdata. Apex trigger newCaseScoring caused an unexpected exception,contact your administrator: newCaseScoring: execution of Be
selenium xpath salesforce selenium-ide qa
I’m currently setting up an automation testing in Salesforce application but I am having a problem of typing characters in rich text editor using Selenium IDE.As I know that the rich text editor is wrapped in the iframe. In the HTML, I got the code like this: <iframe id=”j_id0:j_id4:j_id6:j_id115:j_id117:textAreaDelegate_Comments__c_frame” frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true” tabindex=”0″ src=”” title=”Rich text editor, j_id0:j_id4:j_id6:j_id115:j_id117:textAreaDelegate_Comments__c,
salesforce apex-code
Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct your data. Apex trigger triggerOpportunityCloseInstallDateChange caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: triggerOpportunityCloseInstallDateChange: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Delete failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00o30000003ySNhAAM; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = 0063000000i23T9) is currently in trigger triggerOpportunityCloseInstallDateChange, ther
ajaxcontroltoolkit modalpopupextender
While wanting modalPopupExtender to show from code-behind, everything works well exceptthe opacity and alpha(filter) properties of the CSS are not applied meaning i get a modal popup with the color i set in my BackgroundCSSClass and hence cannot see my original controls in the background.anyone facing this weird behavior and have a solution for this?B.t.w, Everything works well when the TargetControlID is not hidden.
Kyle B.
visual-studio ajaxcontroltoolkit visual-sourcesafe
Let me start by saying I’m aware there are better version control systems than VSS, and also aware that a “web project” instead of a “web site” may be a better approach. Unfortunately, neither of those suggestions help solve my problem.Basically, I have a series of AjaxControlToolkit.dll or AjaxControlToolkit.resource.dll files in my web project’s bin folder. Each time a new developer begins working on a project, it checks out these files, but Visual Studio does not show them as checked out.
jason ajaxcontroltoolkit
I’m experiencing some odd behavior with drop down boxes and I’m hoping someone could explain what’s going on. I have a datarepeater that builds out a table of rows. Each row has a dropdownlist (hidden) and a linkbutton (not hidden) in a cell. The expected behavior is that when a user clicks the linkbutton for a specific cell, it fires a server command. This command does a few things but also sets the selected value of the DDL and then sets it visible and sets itself (the linkbutton) hidden.
Antony Dev
javascript jquery ajax salesforce ajaxcontroltoolkit
Following this post :Define Apex controller in javascript home componentI tried to improved it, because the limit of Salesforce for an SOQL request is 50k records.The Code_Postal__c object can have more than 50k of records.I saw that we can parse item in javascript (i’m pretty bad with this language). The idea is to make a dynamic call of my controller when the user will start typing the postal code ( id of the field = #acc18zip ). But i got an error with my item list, so i came back to use my
Scott Ivey
visual-studio-2008 ajaxcontroltoolkit
I want to add an ajax:TabContainer to my webpage. I don’t get any build errors, but when I try to browse to the page, it gives me the error: “The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% … %>).”.I re-downloaded the Ajax Control Toolkit for the sample sites, opened the solution in VS, ran the sample for the TabContainer, and it worked fine. I thought it was perhaps a different version of the Ajax Control Toolkit – but no. The AjaxControlToolkit
Craig M ajaxcontroltoolkit asyncfileupload
I’m trying to use the AsyncFileUpload control from the Ajax Control Toolkit (Sept 30, 2009 stable build: 30930) . I’ve created a demo application and the control works fine. Files upload and all is well. When I try to use the control in my real application, I’m always receiving an error stating “The file attached is invalid”. The AsyncFileUpload control returns this when the file uploaded is null. To isolate the problem, I created a new master page exactly like the master page in my demo
c# .net visual-studio-2012 ajaxcontroltoolkit
My job was to add routing to a 2.0 site. I changed the framework in visual studio and coded what i need to and it ran great. Now I trying to move my changes to a staging area for testing before i go live and i am having a ton of trouble. Server Error in ‘/’ Application.Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.Description: An unhandled exception occurred
Dreamcatcher ajaxcontroltoolkit
I have a website and I use Ajax Control Tootkit (7.1005). I installed ajax control toolkit with nuget. I use shared hosting and it is Medium Trusted Level. My problem appear when i try open page which contains ToolkitScriptManager item.Error Message:Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more infor
ajaxcontroltoolkit cascadingdropdown
Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework 4.0 Trying to manually add an AjaxControlToolkit CascadingDropDown extender to a webpage dynamically. The web page has a placeholder. When it posts back the controls are built dynamically and added to the placeholder. I have regular ASP.NET drop down list boxes that I want to add CascadingDropDown extender to.myCascadingDropDown = New AjaxControlToolkit.CascadingDropDown myCascadingDropDown.ID = “cdd_” & myDisplayedField.ControlID myCascadingDropDown.Beha
dotnetN00b ajaxcontroltoolkit global-asax
Everything was working fine. Then I added the Global.asax and suddenly got this error: Line: 4723Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.Details: Error parsing near ‘eeCtrl_Data = null;|<%@ Application Language=”VB” %><script runat=”server”>Sub Application_St
Web site is in building
I discovery a place to host code、demo、 blog and websites.
Site access is fast but not money