problem about tablerow-Collection of common programming errors
android spinner tablerow
I have a tablelayout with 3 fields each row.First and second are text and they work fine but third, is a spinner and it works fine until I try to recover the value kept.I have this code for reading info from table:TableRow row = (TableRow) tableLayout.getChildAt(i);TextView a= (TextView) row.getChildAt(0);TextView b= (TextView) row.getChildAt(1);Log.d(LOGTAG, (String) a.getText());Spinner c= (Spinner) row.getChildAt(2);If I try to use Spinner line, it fails. I tried, many diferents pieces of cod
crash internet-explorer-9 hide tablerow
I discovered a Bug in IE9 and IE10 platform preview. My code contains a simple table with a little style, cells in first column have different borders. If I hide the last row with simple javascript, IE crashes.Sample: an idea for Workaround?
android relativelayout tablelayout tablerow
So, I decided to learn to write Android apps. I prefer learning by writing code so I setup my environment and dived in to Android! And hit my head :)I am trying to add import RelativeLayout as TableRows to a Table view.This is my table layout which I want to re-use,<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <TableLayout xmlns:android=””android:id=”@+id/upload_list_table”android:layout_width=”fill_parent”android:layout_height=”fill_parent”android:
java android android-layout tablerow android-tablelayout
I’m writing an android application using sdk 2.3.3.I try using a TableLayout layout xml file with a TableRow inside it.this is the layout file:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <TableLayout xmlns:android=””android:layout_width=”fill_parent”android:layout_height=”fill_parent”android:stretchColumns=”*”android:weightSum=”4″ ><TableRow android:id=”@+id/table_row_1″></TableRow>in my GameActivity onCreate() function i have the foll
Octavian Damiean
android tablelayout tablerow
I am trying to add rows in a TableLayout programmatically and I am following instructions given in following links:Dynamically Adding Rows to TableLayout and Creating Table Rows Inside A Table Layout ProgrammaticallyI am always getting Application has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. error. If I define the whole TableLayout in XML, then it works fine but when I try to do it programmatically, I always get the that error.Here is the code of my XML file (main.xml):<?xml version=”1.0″ enco
iphone ios uitableview ios6 tablerow
I only have this problems with iOS 5, no problems with iOS 6This is my logTerminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInternalInconsistencyException’, reason: ‘Invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 3. The number of rows contained in an existing section after the update (3) must be equal to the number of rows contained in that section before the update (1), plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section (0 inserted, 0 deleted) and plus or minus the number of
Lee Taylor
javascript jquery css tablerow
I have an html string that I want to append to a table as a row using jquery, and I also want to change the background colour of this newly added row to red. This is what I’ve currently got for simply adding the row without the background colour: $(outputString).appendTo(‘#billTable tbody’).hide().fadeIn(2000);But when I try using the code below, I get an error saying “Uncaught syntax error, unexpected string”: $(outputString).appendTo(‘#billTable tbody’).css({“background- color”:”red”}).hide().
Ates Goral
jquery visibility tablerow
I need to write some code that would loop though all rows of a table, then check a hidden input in each row to see if it contains a certain value and if so, set some values and hide the row. It might be clumsy, but it worked: (variable “zeile” contains the first row, is initialized correctly before the loop):while (goon) {var hf = zeile.attr(‘id’);if (hf) {hf = document.getElementById(hf.substr(0,hf.length-2) + ‘hfMat’);if (hf.value == mid) {found=true;goon=false;zeile.hide();} else {cnt +=1 ;if
javascript jquery mvc tablerow
In MVC, I constructed a table in a view, by iterating over a ‘List’ of a viewmodel. @foreach(var item in Model) { <tr id=”[email protected]”><td>@item.type</td><td >@Html.ActionLink((string), “Download”, “FileUpload”, new { rout = item.rout, fileName = }, null)</td><td>@item.size</td><td><a href=”#” id=”delete-file” del-url=”@item.delete_url”>Delete</a></td> </tr>}when I load the page, I get a list of files,
Mohammad Adil
jquery tablerow
I try to redirect user to the other page but if he/she clicks 5, 8 or last cell in table, nothing will be happen. It’s ok for first row. But the other rows not working.$(“#table td:not(:last-child,:eq(5),:eq(8))”).click(function(){var url = $(this).parent().find(‘td:last-child a[title=”edit”]’).attr(‘href’); if (url != undefined) {location.href = $(this).parent().find(‘td:last-child a[title=”edit”]’).attr(‘href’);}});
javascript class getelementbyid tablerow
I need to get the class name from a given <tr> tag, but am unable to do so.<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5><tr id=’cat_abc123′ class=’class_a’><td>foo</td><td><input type=’checkbox’ name=’cb1′ value=’1′ onClick=”info(this, ‘abc123′)”></tr> </table><script language=’javascript’>function info(theElement, id){tr_id = ‘cat_’ + id;alert(tr_id + ‘ ‘ + document.getElementById(tr_id).class);}</script>Working example: http://jsfiddle.n
Marthinus Elliott
firefox undefined tablerow
I have a table which is populated dynamically (using update panel), and then when a user clicks a chosen row, all the data is written to a label. Works fine in IE and chrome, but firefox says undefined. Simple table with 5 columns. I bind dynamically to the table with the following: (please excuse the code bloat)$(‘#tblResults’).delegate(“.aRow”, “click”, function () {var thatID =;if (thatID != “0”) {var wordz = “”;var specialID = document.getElementById(“hiddenChosenContact”);var target
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