Smarty3 block append in included template-Collection of common programming errors

I have some templates written with Smarty 3:

  1. A layout page
  2. An index page
  3. An include page


{block "css"}{/block}
{block "js"}{/block}
{block "content"}{/block}


{extends "layout.tpl"}
{block "content"}
content text
{include "include.tpl"}


{block "js" append}
include some extra js files for this included content
include text

But I got a compiler exception:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘SmartyCompilerException’ with message ‘Syntax Error in template include.tpl {block “js” prepend} too many shorthand attributes

Is block append not available in an included template, even if it’s included by the child template?

I think it’ll be very helpful if I can use block append some way like this, or there might be other ways to do this? Thanks!