problem about vert.x-Collection of common programming errors
Martijn Riemers
php git maven vert.x
I’m trying to install the PHP language in my vert.x mods directory. I have tried both branches and both process a different answer.All these results and errors were either produced when trying to build from the git repo or using running vertx run app.php in the command line using this simple PHP script:<?phpuse Vertx\Pump;$server = Vertx::createNetServer();$server->connectHandler(function($socket) {$pump = new Pump($socket, $socket);$pump->start(); })->listen(1234, ‘localhost’);When
groovy vert.x
I am trying to get a simple Groovy verticle compiled but the compiler trips on the fact that it cannot use the “override” keyword.Any suggestion on how i can get the verticles compiled using the “override” keyword?compile fail.. due the fact it cannot use overrideclass AppStarterGroovy extends Verticle {override def start() {…} }>> Groovyc: unexpected token: overridecompile fail.. due the fact that the return type of Verticle is differentclass AppStarterGroovy extends Verticle {def start() {..
leak vert.x
Originally asked on the forum here –!topic/vertx/jdNRWlE6v4YI just read this thread discussing problems with sending out messages over the event bus where there is no registered handler for the specified address. I’m just curious how folks deal with this scenario. Is a manual timer the recommended approach? Does this approach leak memory over time?Coming from node I’ve seen a few approaches to this kind of problem:Immediately throw an exception if the handler is
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