php poker generated random results do not match what is expected-Collection of common programming errors

I have made a research on poker equities. What I did is use pokerstove program with some selected. And with that program calculated the equities using enumerate all method. So pokerstove results:

I also made a table where I store the random results:

CREATE TABLE poker_results
matches_id int NOT NULL,  -- just for filtering in case I will want another starting hands.
result varchar(255) NOT NULL,
winner_hands varchar(255) NOT NULL,

The result column data looks like this: Jd,9d,Qh,5c,Kc – this represents the cards on board.

Winner_hands column data look like this: Ks-Ac,6c-Ad,3c-Ah (can be 1 hand won, can be all 8 hands won).

Here is the code which generates the results to database. Its on codeigniter framework. And also to not copy the whole poker.php, I just copy couple of functions which are used from it:

protected function get_probabilities($hands, $board_cards = array()) {
        $players = count($hands);

        $board = implode('', $board_cards);
        $board = trim($board);
        if (empty($board)) {
            $board = '-';
        $hx = '';
        $hand_counter = 1;

        foreach ($hands as $hand) {
            $hx .= '&h' . $hand_counter++ . '=' . $hand[0] . $hand[1];

        $url = 'http://' . $this->poker_server . '/?board=' . $board . $hx . '&auth=' . $this->auth;

        //Output exm. string '0.1342, 0.2042, 0.13525, 0.52635'
        //WAR!! check if alive
        $result = $this->parse_url_link($url);

        if (substr($result, 0, 3) == 'Err') {
            $this->utils->logging('ERROR', 'Poker server authorization failed!');

        //echo $result;

        return array(
            'hands' => $hands,
            'prob' => explode(', ', $result),
            'board' => $board_cards

// protected because in child class needed
    protected function get_poker_winner($table_winners) {
        $to_return = array();
        foreach($table_winners['prob'] as $key => $val) {
            if ($val > 0) {
                $to_return[] = $table_winners['hands'][$key][0] . '-' . $table_winners['hands'][$key][1];

        return $to_return;
