problem about du-Collection of common programming errors

  • thkala
    linux centos vps diskspace du
    I have a vps slice running centos 5.5 I am supposed to have 15 gigs of disk space, but according to df it seems to double my disk space usage.when I run du -skh * in / as root i get:[root@yardvps1 /]# du -skh * 0 0 aquota.user 5.2M bin 4.0K boot 4.0K dev 4.9M etc 2.5G home 12M lib 14M lib64 4.0K media 4.0K mnt 299M opt 0 proc 692K root 23M sbin 4.0K selinux 4.0K srv 0 sys 48K tmp 2.0G usr 121M varthis is

  • chmike
    linux hard-drive du df
    I have an empty disk mounted as /dataThe df -h shows me that 188M are used while a du -h shows me 4,0K.root@marc:~# du -h –max-depth=1 /data 4,0K /dataroot@marc:~# df -h Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur /dev/sdb1 910G 117G 747G 14% / udev 3,9G 8,0K 3,9G 1% /dev tmpfs 1,6G 808K 1,6G 1% /run none 5,0M 0 5,0M 0% /run/lock none 3,9G 164K 3,9G 1% /run/shm AFS 8,6G

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